my mistake

Feeling: betrayed
Should of seen the signs on valentines day when he ws talking to his ex and forgot about me but i walked away and ignored everything my fault.But i never thought that he would hook up with a lil 18yr old slut. Hes 34 fucking yrs old we've been together for 9.5 yrs married happily or so i thought. he says that changed when i had our son and then we found out he was disabled and then our happily ever after became a fairytale i can't believe that he can be that heartless as to end our marriage due to our sons health (he didn't get his future jock)there for dosen't claim our son as his.Turns out our son has a genitic disease that was passed on through his dad but yet his dad claims i cheated on him and caused this mistake thats what he calls our son a mistake. The only time he has claimed to be a part of him when it came time to fill out the paper work for our sons si and then hes the proud father and the payee (the one who gets all the govs $ that is supossed to help pay for the expenses that get taked on to raising a diabled child) I'm at lose to who this person is because this person isn't the man i married i miss the man i married i miss my soulmate i want him back
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I haven't been able to post anything untill now because mylife has been spining out of control. My son was in the hospital the last time i posted.He got better and was sent home,where me and his father do nothing but fight constantly because he wants nothing to do with our son.Months pass we celebrate holidays and aniverseries and then my son starts to get sick again so we end up back at the hospital where my son gose through lots of tests and surgeries.His dad hardly came around.The day he got released his dad shows up with a hicky on his neck and tells me that "the skinny blonde chic with big tits at his work burnt him with the roll tray" We got into a fight because i knew he was lying and he told me he was done he had moved on because i was to busy taking care of our sick son.I'm now trying to move on with my life but it is really hard when every hour i'm at my sons bedside changing a pad,cleaning his surgers,giving him pain meds,replacing feeding tubes its nonstop fun and i'm doing it all along like i have since he was born
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i got some good news today about my son aparently hes doing better and the hospital is going to send him home in the morning i can't wait for him to come home to his new room in the new house while he was gone i fixed it up for him since music calms him down it has a music theam its something that as he grows he won't get tired of it the dogs can't wait for him to come home either they've been sleeping in his room by his crib waiting for him just like i have and as soon as he gets home everything will be back to normal
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my husband took me out for valentines day and it was the worst night of my life. we were at the movietheater and he bumped into an ex of his and completely forgot i was there so i left him to talk to her and i thought he would relize i was pissed off but no he talked to her for 30 mins then decided to come find me when he tried to explain i told him to forget it because we were late to the movie already and i didn't want to be any later then after the movie i went to the restroom to powder my nose and she had the nerve to follow me she walked up behind me taped my on the shoulder and went into a rant about how they used to date and he proposed to her because they were soulmates and then she looked at me and shook her head and said i was clearly not his type i proceeded to clench my fist and before i swung i took one last look at her and said your not even worth this and left i ended up at the bar and proceeded to drink my cares away trying to figure out what i was going to say to my husband about the little chat me and his ex had shared but he again forgot about me and now hes got some explaining to do or he is going to be out the house really quick
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the families divided but when it comes to me they agree to hate me. alot has happened since the last time we saw each other 1.moved everywhere my settlement$ engaged 4.left the country 5.had a baby married 7.came back home 8.bought new house 9.kid admitted to hospital trying to locate friends and family to let them know whats going on.
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