these past few days this ones been thinking of the days when she was younger than now like around 2 or 5 around those day know there arnt any really good memrable stuff shure one could laff at the great googly moogly dude er.. beast but not as much as they could laff at some thing like "the dragoon that wasnt a dragoon at all" movie its all good n stuff but really really bad animation :P and who could forget the animated hobbit how cheese that was but still good and the less popular sparky and the magical piano that was gust weird then the pound puppies gotta laff at that n theres the lion king this one resently seen the lion king 1 1/2 and its realy good no realy as good as the lion king but still its the same but its from a different view oh and the rocketere that was um.. well... not realy modern disney at all but still good and snow white, alladin, beutiy and the beast, sleeping beutiy, sinderela, bambie, and so much more and has any one ever noticed that sequilles are all was sucky but they still get more money than the first with exeption of alien 2 n some others oh and dont forget time splitters or some thing like that were that dude can stop time or slow it down with his watch and he "saves" the wourld that was afull man well that was fun writing all this an remembering the past tell this one other things you remember oh dont forget the teady bear picnic, corderoy, the berensteen bears, and padington bear:P exuse any spelling ;P
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lots of connections w/ bunches of codes and lots of time and practice... glad you like it -Elizabeth
oOOOOoOooOOoOo I remember all of those! Well most of them! awww brings me back to the good ol days! :-P
