[[7]] elections & halloween

oh boy the elections are soon and i know i can't vote but still for all those that can use this to your advantage vote for who you guys think should win. did you know that half of America doesn't vote on Nov. 4? every vote counts so make the best out of it and don't stay home and be a bum on Tues. So go out and vote! McCain Or Obama. Ok. So on friday. I went trick or treating :]. I love going out dressed up its fun. i had an awesome time on Friday we had a pep rally and it was awesome are band is really good and so are most of the schools teams. Today i had Sunday school its pretty funny how I'm almost totally against most of my religion,and i still don't get why I have to receive all the sacraments,I'm going to receive Conformation in spring. So i have to study a lot of questions. pce. :] <3
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