but you're not on the internet when you're in the kitchen or are you? very intreeging*
You need to go to the fair, and if you have already been there....you need to find me! :)

haha love yah
hi i am a friend of yours i think but which one of course you know me i seen you yesterday and i think you fo it comment me on this and not my other one anymore
hey beautiful. you're ungrounded so you better be comin with me to the fair/rodeo tonite!

love you suga,
Chelsea Marie
Heck yes you love me! I mean who doesnt? Haha!
Love you Double D
hey destiny This is Cassie. I didn't know that you had a sit diary
Hey its Jordan, got a new sitdiary..check it out!

tootles! :)
oh hey, sorry i about forgot to answer your question...

so yeah about the prego thing, um well i'm a week past my period..so i think i am, but i'm going to the doctor on Wednesday...

AAHH i'm scared..

well ttyl, love yah!~
this is john you silly goof what can i say. i have a little problem can you help me with it.