13. sometimes.

sometimes i pretend that some of the postsecrets i read are about me from you. then i grow a brain and realize that isn't going to happen. nothing that i want or plan to happen is going to happen.

it sucks because i plan out really awesome shit. like, you have no idea, you'd be so excited. it's always the raddest most legit series of romatic, but nonchalant events.

i saw a postsecret today that i thought had to be for me from you, then at a second glance i saw the eiffle tower in the background and realized that if it was from you it'd be for her. not me. that sucked. i usually come to the conclusion of, "you're being so lame it's ridiculous, that post card is not directed at you twat. go get a life." this time it was, "what if that means me?! oh..wait.. wow he's going to visit her.." and then i preceded to be sad.

i am leading a double life and both sides are very shitty. well this certainly blows.

i wish it was May. if it was May, i'm fairly certain i'd be happy right now because one of my romantic, but nonchalant plans could be coming into action. and it would be sweet. i even know what i'd wear. yeah i've thought of all the details possible on my side. it's your side that i don't know how it'd go. tried it once and i definitely got the opposite reaction than what i thought i was going to happen. then you tried it and i'm pretty sure you got the opposite reaction as well.

what are we doing?

shit, that's wrong.--

what am I doing?..

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