second entry

last night kelli spent the night. we took pictures and watched my backstreet boys dvd backstage pass. brian littrell is hott. kelli is gorgeous but she denies it. tomorrow i'm going to skip driver's ed and go out of town with my mom and get jessica and kelsey's bday presents. then i am coming back and i'm going to lawerence with katie and jessica for jessica's bday. sadly i wont be able to go to jessica's party on saturday but i'm going to kelseys. i can't believe that she's turning 16. it makes me sad/happy. i need to call katie. i have bicycle by queen stuck in my head. i didn't go to weightlifting at all this week. today in drivers ed sheriff craig davis came in and showed us slides of car accidents and showed us 3 people who died but would have lived if they had their seatbelts on. they were so white it was gross. there was one girl who was thrown 100 ft. from her car and they showed us a picture of her dead and she was wearing an awesome belt. she was beautiful... but yeah she's dead. why are conservatives crying about homosexual people wanting to get married, what are they going to not be married anymore if they do? so stupid so stupid so stupid fuck. thinking of cutting my hair.
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I ♥ the Backsteet Boys. i'm going to see them in concert on August 10th =)
thanks man

jessica told me about when they showed you those slides eek. haha backstreet boys? lol tight. whats gonna happen if you miss weightlifting. same goes for drivers ed.
for good?