Elizabitch thinks I need to update

Listening to: Tim talk
Feeling: bizarre
So Elizabeth thinks I need to update...so I will. This weekend I had a softball tourney in St. Louis. We came in 3rd. Friday I left to go to St. Louis. We got there at like 1. Then we went to the mall. Me, Morgan, Taylor, Kelsey, and Ed all went. Me, Taylor, and Morgan went on this trampoline thing. You go on this trampoline and you are connected to these cord things and then you get lifted up and jump. Then you get really high and you can do flips. It was fun! Then Saturday we had a game at 9 I think. We lost. So then we had to play 5 games that day. It was really hot outside. Then durring our second to last game I got in a fight with one of our coaches. It was fun! I told him to fuck off...well...I said fuck you..but same thing! My dad would be proud of me! :-p Then I hyperextended my elbow. That felt good. Then on Sunday we had to get up at like 6. We won our first game. Then Morgans mom got into a fight with one of my coaches (the same on I got into a fight with) and she told him to fuck off. I just laughed! Then we lost our second game. So we had to go home...darn! Taylor, Morgan, and I went to the Macaroni Grill. They said it was my birthday to I got a big piece of chocolate cake. Taylor ate most of it. Then I came home. Today Laura is coming over sometime. Then I might stay at her house with her and Elizabitch. That should be fun! Elizabeth is hot. Kristen
Read 9 comments
Hi Kristen...its me Ian
Hi Kristen...you really have to get my shirt back from laura. You and Brooke are the only girls over there that I see and I gotta get it back
whats good kristen michelle? not much here holla at me CIZZZURB

aja rae
i love you sexeh!
i think you need to updat again!
:) Your Truly Awesome Amazing Hott....Hott....Oh yeah Hott And Saweeet Friend ;)
I just read my own comment and it kinda sounded like I was saying all that stuff about you! :p Not saying you aren't but it was about me because I am the BEST, isn't that right!Haha Talk to ya later