
i just wrote an entry and then accidentally hit the back key or something...and the text all disappeared. weird. that rhymed, and not on purpose. well, i guess it WOULD rhyme if someone spoke the words aloud. does it actually rhyme even if you only write or type it? apparently i've ben writing here. sorry. :D if you'd like a link to where i write more often, let me know. i'll post it here; i don't even care. i might go change my colors to these - i am rather enjoying them! i have to do some reading and studying hardcore this week - i have reading, discussion questions, an essay and a midterm exam this week. plus i'm lazy. i do have a spa massage/wrap appointment for this week so hopefully that will help me feel better. i've been dragging ass lately :( well, i'm off to read and do laundry. wee. a warm bath also sounds good. and i was also propositioned by my husband before dinner. what the hell am i doing on the computer!? ;-)
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Listening to: whirring computer
Feeling: torn
just what i need, right? another online diary. i guess two blogs and an open diary isn't enough. ;-) actually i signed up for two reasons: 1. because i could get something close to my real name without having to be too creative. yes, that's me. sloth. weee. 2. i have a friend who has a diary here and while i can sign in with the super-secret batsignal sign-in to leave her notes, i always forget to leave my name. this will just be easier. so hi.
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