The AntiBeing

Feeling: active
The Antibeing Chapter One: Neohistory A dark bar there are couples at the tables, broken men at the bar, and a few robust Twenty-somethings playing pool. A man wearing a business suit and a breif case walks in and sits at the bar bar, during his walk he is counstantly looking over his shoulder, even to the point that he ran into a waitress. After sitting down and ordering his drink he looks at the group of young men at the pool table, selects one and begans what he has come to do. “You, kid get over here!” grasping a random boy from a group. “Get the fuck away from me old man,” answered the ragged boy. “Good your rude you can’t be one of them,” was the only answer. “What?” “Sit down, listen, and retell what I am about to tell you,” whispered the man. “My name is Taylor Manus and what I am about to tell you will change you view of the world,” He took a siip of what appeared to be whiskey “ Since the time of Able and Cane, there has been a second Humanoid Creation walking alongside mankind. Don’t be mistake for what they appear to be, they are not human, and they hate every aspect of humanity. They are the result of the pure hatred of Adam’s first wife Lilif. They were brought on this earth as a plague, to undermind all efforts of humanity. They have pale skin in any color of the race spectrum, a body resymboling that of a human, and most shocking of all a blank face.” “Wait, Wait, Wait, I still think your crazy as hell, but how in the name of Jesus Christ can you have a blank face,” the boy rashly introjected. “Maybe blank wasn’t the right way to phrase it, more like they have no face, sunken place where eyes should be and falt skin from where the nose should be to the chin, with no mouth. Also, they have no hair on their head,” Manus explained. “If they have no mouth or nose, how do they breathe? Second, With all these people around wouldn’t we notice some bald headed, no eyes freaks walking around?” questioned the boy. “They don’t need to breathe with mouths, they breathe through the skin. Also theres a reason you don’t see them walking around. They have ablity, a horrid one; they can take the faces of others and use their presitge, power, or just the disguise, of the person. After takening the face of the person, they either dispose of the body, or eat it head to toe, bones and all,” stated Manus. The boy replied, “You got one hell of an imagination old man.” And with that he got up and began to walk away. Taylor lunged at his arm and pulled him back into the seat, and told him, “Stay in your seat, or I’ll kill you and save them the God damn effort.” He quickly flashed a Colt .44 Magum, from under the seem of his coat and countined, “Before, right after their creation they needed to feed and see so they grabbed what ever they could find; Lizards, Dogs, birds. God recognized the threat, so contary to the bible, he informed Noah of the threat, so he could save, humanity and what lived, and flooded the world. Unfortunatly, they survived, grabbing fish and marine going animals they breathed with gills and swam under the waves to evade God’s fury. After Noah’s death knowledge of their kind subsided. However, it was rediscovered, and a warning was attempted by the ancient Egyptians. The Gods of the Egyptians, Osris, Rah, and the others, they all have the faces of animals.” He stops in the middle of his rant to take a sip of his drink, and pull out a gold plated ciggerate case, he closes his eyes puts one into his mouth and lights, then looking to the young man he motions the case in suggestion. The boy declined. Taylor rebuted, “Good they’ll turn you green, and lower the life expectency,” he countinued, “ Ok, the first Eygptians didn’t beleve them Gods. The evil ones, the Antibeings infiltrated their society and made them self’s gods. Emblaming was originally a practice to attempt presevring a face for later use. From that point on almost every political assination has involved the Antibeings. They thrive at contorling us and killing us, they masterminded the Black Death, the Hundred Years War, they caused he corruption in the church and then the loss of power of the church to smite the heavenly father, they owned every president since Lincoln. He was killed by John Wilksbooth in an attempt to strike bacck, quincidently Booth was shoot dead by an entire platoon of soldiers, before he could be interogated…talk about over kill.” “That’s a bit far flung if they hate humans so much and they had Lincoln, why did they free the slaves?” he asked. “The free the slave thing was just to hurt the South, that and it was a popular movement, hell who knowns the particular one with Lincoln’s face may have had a bit of sympathy to human suffering, If you look at the beginnings of reconstruction that might be apparent. However, realize that the civil war was the bloodest conflict in American history, hundreds of thousands dead maimed and the south in shambles.” Answered the question. “That kind of makes sense, but you say they owned every President since Lincoln," "what about FDR no way he hated people.” “Well, good point, they probably left Freddy alone cause Hitler was in the works.” “Hitler was one?” the boy asked interupting Taylor. Manus tapped his ciggerate and countined, “No, Hilter was just a crazy fucker, they let him play out because they new the otracities he was capable of; world war, mass saltuger, the brain washing of a generation, They did however control another man of that time.” “Stalin” the boy answered finishing the sentence. “If anything he was worse than Hitler, when the Germans and Russians aggreed to the Non-aggression pacts, and craved Poland in two, it was a suprize that Britain and France only declared war on German, Russia was just as much at fault. It wasn’t a quincidence, it was the Antibeings, then the German Ally, Japan, attacks Pearl Harbor, America Declares war on Japan, Germany on America and Russia is forgotten as an evil, millions die.” “Let me guess the Cold War was just an attempt at total human destruction, yet was foiled by human savors,” the boy deducted. “Wrong, but not far off, the Antibeings, at least the conservative ones are narcassitic, loving themselves, not being able to sacrafice themselves in an effort to destroy humanity. However, in the ninteen-sixties, the Kennedy administration they putforth the effort to get “man” into space, so they could rise up and watch nuclear winter destroy us all. That was the idea until a radical band of Antibeings swayed the one appearing as Kennedy, the one who had prevented the Cuba Missle Crisis. He was going to use Vietnam, which he began United States involvement in, to cause the last world war, the mutually assured destruction one,” the old man retrospectively answered. “Then what prevented it, Oswold?” “Lee Harvey Oswold, He was the human presencse that attempted to kill Kennedy, but he had a crappy view and an old bolt action Italian Rifle. The real ones, who killed Kennedy, or rathar Kennedy’s double, were an elite squad of Antibeing commandos, acting against the radical band. Two on the grassy gnoll as suspected, however, there was also one with a heavy calibur weapon of some kind shooting up from under a sewer grate on the curb of the road. That is why they couldn’t find the killing rounds, which is why they had to cover up with the magic bullet theroy. The bullet that did it was found on the strecter used by the Governor it was never extracted from a wound.” “Why then did they cature Oswald?” “They are far more obnipadent then they seem. They knew what Oswald knew. Oswald wasn’t stupid enough to leave a weapon that could link him to an attempted murder, he broke the weapon down in less than a minute, just like he had been train to do in the marines, and left.” “So these "Antibeings" I assume framed him.” “Exactly they stole one of Oswald’s other rifles, fired one round, which they placed on the strecther, and had an undercover Antibeing, playing police oficer plant the gun.” How would this shut him up, it just puts him under prison lock and guard, I mean they couldn’t have known someone would try to kill Oswald.” “They planned it, the move put a normally evasive and paranoid Oswald on a scheduled path, where an Antibeing assasin took him out.” “Not saying yet that I believe you, but why are you telling me all this?” “They’ve been killing off all those that they know have knowledge of their existence. A fake heart attack here, a sucide there you know slow, but sure.” “Then why the fuck would you tell me, I don’t exactly wanna die.” “Oh, calm down, they don’t have an icy idea in hell that you know, you only got to worry if you open your lips to someone else, or they capture me, and don’t kill me right away or I don’t take the cyanide I keep handy.” Manus said cooly. Manus then put out what was left of the ciggerate, examined his glass, holding it to the light looking at the reflection and refragmention it produced. “Listen kid.” He got out a piece of paper and a pen, “If you wanna know more, even if you wanna help come to this addresss, wear a baseball cap covering you eyes, black pants, long coat (he eyed the boy’s coat), that one will do, and gloves. Buzz in and when you hear a woman say “Who is it?” say Camile.” He showed the young man the address then stuffed the paper into the boy’s coat pocket. Manus then proceded to get up and pay his bill. “Wait old man, you don’t even know my name.” The young man said in an attempt to enlighten Taylor. Manus got out his ciggerate case and said, “It’s better if I don’t know.” He lit the ciggerate, and walked out the door.
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Resistance: Chapter 1

Feeling: good
Resistance “Nisi Dominus custodierit domum, in vanum vigilant qui custodiunt eam.”- Les Miserables, Victor Hugo Chapter One: Second Coming As of the year 2087 the United States of America as an entity ceased to exist. They hit hard; they hit fast. The East Coast and California were gone within hours. We had lost the Pentagon, they assasinated statesmen and massacared troops in their beds. It was like they had ripped the nervous system from the United States Military, like the spider taken from the web. There were attempts to fight back, but we just ended up bombing our own men; as the gray plague crept quickly up the Rockies and the Appalacians, then flooded cross the fertile plain. The monsterous horred rampaged, hungry for land and American blood. They came from the sea, and called themselves Atlantians. We called them less flattering words. What happened next not many are sure of, but one fact is certain… they launched the nukes, to stop us from doing it ourselves. The rockets salvoed into the night sky; stars shooting in the wrong direction, then, boom. They detonated in a fireball not seen since the son of Helios drove the God’s Chariot. The skies lightened and burned. The Second Coming as it was called burned the ground and blinded that unfortunate enough to look straight at it. The explosion occurred right outside the atmosphere inorder to presevre the Atlantians newly conquered land. Now, we struck back, hitting the flank on the left in the open plains. This was the last great land battle the world was to witness. Their army was cold, gray and ours tan, crazed. We had boys of age less than 13, but we always remember them as men. The defending force was armed with whatever was at hand when first mustered. This was completed with only 20 trained regiments; 2 tank, 8 retang, 1 artillery, 2 paratrooper, 7 resevres. They made up less than a fourth of our force. This was a true patriot army fighting for blood and country. The odds were 3 to 1 in the enemy’s favor. They had air, artillery, armor, troops, and supplies. We had a divine oblogation to resist. The 5th battlion, Retang, of Colonel Marshall Strand hit first to the north, at the Wisconson south border. Those gallant knights were desamated; Wisconson lost. The sacrafice was not in vain, it gave the 9th Regiment Army artillery time to take position. The regiment unleased a barrage on the opposing force where it stood picking off what remained of Strand’s men. It was effective, the beast lifted its head from the carcase of the retang battlion, and turned to face the artillery on Red Mountain. We were ready. They charged us head on. The remanents of the 2nd Army supported by citizen soldiers held the line. The 4th Batar of Atlantus was trapped and began to fail as we tore it apart, like a rabid animal blood and foam fresh on its lips. Even as we crush their bones, the bastards laugh and thought us fools. Surely, the 7 other Batar within striking distance would come and put an end to the “American Nusance”, they couldn’t have been more wrong. F Company demolitions and G Company Special Operations showed the power of will as they blew raillines, bridges, planting mines on roads, and ambushing scout parties. They kept the “superior” force pinned as the 4th Batar was crushed. By the time they finally reached Red Mountain we had melted into the forest. All they found was striped equipment and broken bodies. And so we toiled on falling slowly back leaving nothing, but frozen breath in the wind.
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Story lines

Listening to: Muse
Feeling: active
Ok, now I am going to use this to pitch ideas for books, aka, outlines or introductions. Books to come: The Antibeing, Resistance, and Ambrosia. The first two ahve at least two chapters completed the third is in planning stage. Also the story story The end of the World, is coming. Thank You, and have a nice day. No Chapters have been edited.
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Worn leather window

Feeling: good
Just bought Meteora, and I can gladly say that I am addicted, At least it let me use up some of those stupid gift cards that were rotting in my wallet. Lot of things I don't use it there, Library card, well wish card, health insurance card copy, school ids. etc.... However, there are little glimmers in that worn leather prison, folds for cash, a drivers permit, and my guitar pick. I look at those and realize that my wallet is fairly undispensible. One more gift card to go any good music recommendations. I mean hidden treasures, not well known stuff, like more LInkin Park!!, or SOTY, or etc...... If you ask people if they know bout this one awesome artist or band and they're like "?" thats what I am looking for. Thanks.
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Feeling: achy
Back after a while, wrote some new stuff but it has been lost in all the colors:). I wish i had more time to write stuff down like this. Oh well. Lost my cd case so i am in need of good music. The political campaign is heating up.Local and National. Begin a conservative I am hoping bush wins. No matter how bad we look around the world, quitting in Iraq well make us look worse. It will encourage terrorists, and push away those willing to fight them knowing they will have no support. I am writing the story of the end of the world and I will have it up by next week. Its realizist to a cutting point. If you are on here and are over 21 please vote for the lesser of two evils. Who that is, is a choice I leave to you. and if you can't decide choose mickey moose. He has won 1% of the National vote in years past(No lie).
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Listening to: von bondies
Feeling: strong
Just got back from a family event, got to watch the thrid lord of the rings and make fun of it. However, at this relatives house were my aunt and uncle, and cousins, whose son killed himself a few monthes back. They looked a lot better, still strained from the shock, but better. My aunt, whenever she was near me she would start shaking and looking behind herself quickly at me, cause my cousin and I were the same age I guess, it stared me, it really did. Iguess it is the same for my other cousin, greg, he is also the same age, but no one seems to remember him. She only does this around me, and it is frightening, I feel sosorry for her.
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Blasphemy on Main Street

Feeling: braindead
Blasphemy on Main Street Maybe we’ll have a sane streak and realize this is wrong. Dealers in the drug stores and kids who keep coming back for more cause daddies long gone. Hopes held hostage Next to little carts selling sausage and young girls waving you their way. Blasphemy on Main Street Maybe we’ll have a sane streak and realize this is wrong. Sinners in the clergy, Judges guilty of perjury Is this where we’ve come to stay? Blasphemy on Main Street Maybe we’ll have a sane streak and realize this is wrong. ------- The Start of my short story or novel. The Banshee Brigade: Tales of uncompromising courage. He walks into th pub and sits next to an ancient man. He noticed a badge of the Silent Siren on his shoulder Who he is isn't important, but this man, this man is Neil Thomas. "Part of the Banshee Brigade?" he asked. The man looked at him and stared, then turned and said " bertt get this man a beer." He then Turned back and told the young man " Prepare to hear tales of uncompromising courage." --- Maybe I should rewrite and do some research.
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The Boondock Saints

Listening to: Pink Floyd-Breathe
Feeling: great
Schoool years over, 'nough said. I got at least two weeks of pure excitement ahead, and a summer I am sure to remember, damn, Freshman year was a blast. I saw quite possibly one of the best movies ever yesterday, Boondock Saints. A flick about three Vigilantes, Irish Vigilantes, in Boston cutting a sway through Organized Crime there. Watch it, Pay attenion and it may give you a new religous point of view, hopefully not change it, which I have already wrote about, butgive you a new idea, othergoodmovies for this are Signs(I just saw), and DOgMa(comedy but still makes you think). Have a great summer!!! Thank you For any comments ever posted. ------ Please look back on the entry FDR one of the men responsible for it recently perished.
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Just another faith

Listening to: Pink Floyd-The Wall
Feeling: asleep
The easily converted never remain faithful, for one example can turn their head either way. These are people without a good view of themselves and those around them. Convinced by Fantastic “Fairy Tales”, not the message behind them. They are bad as the holy men who refuse to change them, that they criticize.
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Feeling: blue
If we don't work hard and soon we and the whole world will need another FDR. He started the road to revival in the U.S., but there won't be another, since for any economic policy to be effective it takes more than 8 or 4 years, sowe will elect Kerry this year repeal the tax cuts and kill the restart of the economy, Bush's plan worked. Its called Reaganomiks(spelling?) took place in Reagan's adminstration, an was responsible for the uplift in the 90's. I took FDR 12+ years and a world war to fix the economy. We don't have that. Oh well. ----- Tell me its right
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Just another picture

Listening to: Stix-Renegade
Feeling: quixotic
In my family room there is a picture, a small photo. I took it. In this picture there are two little flags, one in the dark, one attempting to blot out the sun light. On the latter flag there are some worn stars, some faded stripes, but the flag isn't as important as the ground that lays under it, full of holes and surrounded by fences. It is hollow ground. I was there, I felt ground zero. Too bad I am not in a creative mood right now. Could write about how I live my life, how I am to die. Too bad I am not in a creative mood right now. I could write about the ends of the earth, and why mothers cry. Too bad I am not in a creative mood right now. I could show the world battle scars, and just how I lost my will. Too bad I am not in a creative mood right now. I could paint a better place, But I am not in a creative mood today, maybe I found it too hard. ------ May 23 Lots of homework,in history, gym,and...and....hmmm...and somelanguage arts? Well talk to you later. Have a nice rest of the week.
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Feeling: crappy
Sis got busted yet again.....I work all this weekend, for 50bucks, and I am quite bored.....oh yea my big bro and sis are home from collage, Got a taste of Unreal tournament 2004, great game and guess what Vechiles!! only a gamer would get it but trust me its great.
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Iron Homunkulus

Listening to: Filter(a gaming show)
Feeling: enamored
Why is it that the things that make people weep do not decide elections? Why is it the things that make them grumble? I feel like a child Burning on a cross. I feel like a child who is at a loss. I feel like a child sneaking though he is already caught. I feel like a child who has found what he sought. I feel like a child who is tired of war. I feel like a child who will still fight to his core. I feel like a child who is ready to soar. I feel like a child who has met angels high. I feel like a child who has seen parents lie. I feel like a child who tied his first tie. I feel like a child for whoms daddy mourns. I feel like a child Looking to outter space. I feel like a child who grew up in haste. I feel like a child who turned out worn. I feel like a child walking out of his door. I feel like a child who has turned out hardcore. ----- To who ever posted the vampire comment, I have one on an entry farther back. ----- I think it pisses some people off that they can't change someones opinion of them with glitter and fancy clothes.
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Paper Giants

Listening to: AAR
Feeling: balanced
"Yes, All is well...."Gods&Generals after the battle of Fredricksburg. Quite the moving film. The scenes with the Irish Brigade where particulary gripping, I guess its my heritage, or just the fact that the Irish Fight like mad men with their courage pinned to their collar. Thats a characteristic I am proud of. Also I got to go to the theme park and fill in my application. They'll interview me in a few days, I hope to get a job when all the whinners get too hot, or too bored to work anymore. Till then I plan on working all finals week making sno-cones, for bout 9hours a day, making $5 per hour, Ill "feel" rich at the end of it. ------ I was talking with a friend of mine and I presented a current issue gay marriage, Ill tell you what my belief on the subject is now,keep in mind that I am conservative,so pleasedon't stone me bout this. Marriage isn't an insitution of state, never should have been I blame our forefathers, The state should give everyone civil unions, and leave marriages to the church and since the church doesn't recognize gay marriage, sorry folks, won't happen, but you will have the same rights as every atheist out there/(for the catholic faith)divoriced person out there. Thank You.
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Listening to: My horrible vocals
Feeling: asleep
Run, Run little darling Ill see you soon. Run little darling Till you go blue run little darling Tell daddy the news Married on Saturday, Mother on sunday Widow on monday, Tell daddy the news. Run, run little darling, Till you go blue, Run little darling, Ill see you soon...... ----- I love it when people have an Proud to Be an American Sticker on the window of their Japanesse Car/Truck. ------ My sis wants all the highs and none of the lows, going out drinking all weekend popping pills all week. Talk about a road to destruction. ----- The theme park job bottomed out.....shoulda applied in january. They are keeping me on file. However lucky me I found a job working at a sno-cone stand for a week at the end of the month, with the possiblity to be used later.
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Just another explaination

Feeling: asleep
If my top quote thing confuses you I shall explain a bit. A giant, figure of extreme strength and size. A homokulus(spelling?) a tiny mytical creature the size of an ant. The quote is meant to reverse their roles. ------- This county’s dying, I ain’t lying, Could you carry me away? From the buildings, fallen bridges, And towers just beginning to scrape. I just keep on sighing and looking away. Tragic comedies, playing out I think I’ll stay. This countries dying, Leaders Lying, I wait for the way, To ivory towers, Big red flowers, And dreams that have fallen away. Small men will be crying, Young men be dying, Lives thrown away. Dominos aflying, Evil men allying. I won’t be buying, That shit no way. Leave me a lying, With fresh flowers, Spring showers, And a stone pointed my way. Next them only despair, But no one will care, Maybe they’ll stare, Pondering my fate From not far away. ---- "AAh open symbolism" emphaize on ...ying, and ...ay. Think of it as a song, with your own tune even. Its been a long time coming on this one.
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House Cleaning Spell checking

Feeling: blank
Looking down past entries for errors and cleaning my dismal little room(not that the size is bad)it is fairly messy. Been listening to my story of the year album, helps me get to sleep, why I don't know. River can't run without water, Water cannot flow without tears. Tears cannot fall without misery. Water is all around us, so misery is close behind. I know how water runs, it just doesn't prove a point to say convection evaporation and all. Have a Good day. ----- Call me a conformist, because I wait in the dark hoping for a glimse of the sunrise. ------ Why do you keep putting us on a crash course? Why can't you let me avoid you?
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Justanother excuse

Feeling: alright
Sorry that i haven't been writing or responing much I have been kind of busy/not in the mood, got my permit:) So I can drive and destroy larger vechicles. My birthday passed bout a week ago, everyone asks me if I feel any different the answer is no. Age has little to do with awareness, or state of mind. Sure a sixty Year old feels different from and average 6 year old, but you know what I mean. I keeep looking past at past actions conversations, and thoughts, and realize that I have always been quite naive. This process I believe will countine like it has with most everyone else. Sorta like the feeling that I want to burn all my pictures that I am in glasses for.Not to mention my "closeness" to those of a young age makes me realize how stupid I must have been. Also, rejected by a place I worked at last year, bit of a distaste between management and I. But you still think they would take experienced people before hiring new ones. BTW the new ones are mostly the daugther's friends and other younger family members. So now I have applied for a job cleaning up landscaping at a theme park near here, wish me luck. Trying to look up stuff on body language to tell weather I embrass this girl I know or if she wasts me/or she to aplogize for a exchange of words I wish had never happened, there are some entries bout it most private from paranoia. Also, to see if this one girl is interested in me, yes I know body language makes mistakes and even if she was, I would be a bit embrassed having another person shuttle us around.... Yea lot for one entry but I haven't been writing... Be catching up on comments. bye ------------- Time of no shadows, Gotta love the weather.
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