again, its been a long time

Listening to: ACDC
Feeling: depressed
So, again it has been a long time since I wrote... honestly I don't have much patience for the internet anymore. Since its been such a long time lots of shit has happened. Where to start... Well... I graduated on June 29, 2006 and then I started working on July 4. I so wanted to have a wicked summer with my friends, but that didn't happen because I started working full time. I was living with my auntie and cousin for about two months, and now I'm living with my friend in an apartment. Living with my aunt and Steph was fun, but I hated how Steph and I fought all the time. We are closer than ever now since we live not with eachother, and only about 20 minutes away from eachother. I see her daily and she's my best friend. Moving out was hard though, especially when I was going back every weekend and having to say goodbye all the time. I like having my own place and not having to deal with the bullshit in that little hellhole called Beausejour. How come it seems that everyone there never grows up and is all about the gossip? I even saw one girl who heard the right story but changed it anyway. Get your fucking story straight!!!! It is coming up to my 18th birthday which is on the 16th. My birthday isn't even here yet and I can almost gaurantee that its ruined. My friend Danny's birthday is on the 17th, but she's turning 19. She's already had her big night, but she said that half the people she's inviting don't want to go where I want to go. SUCK IT UP PRINCESSES! You're how old? like 23? Anywho, I'm going to go to the place where I want to go, and who ever wants to join me for my big night is more than welcome, and I'm not going to ask them to choose favorites. Go to whose ever party you want to. I brought my cat to my apartment this past weekend. I missed her so much, and she broke my heart when I first brought her here. She was so unhappy and wouldn't stop hiding. But she's running around and sort of playing with Justina's cat now. I broke up with Matt in August... which I should have done long before that. It got to the point that he didn't even care anymore. And I was seeing a guy named Kevin but I haven't seen him in more than two weeks and I haven't talked to him in over a week. So whatever, his loss. I'm done with guys that don't give a shit. However, I have been talking to a man of the name Nick Sullivan. He makes my heart jump when I think about him and he makes me smile every time we talk. He calls me babes and says *muah* all the time. I just wish he lived closer, because we would have an amazing relationship. And it makes me angry how all the guys that are worth my time live so far away. And even when I think I've found somebody they fuck off and say they're busy or they just stop talking to me. Make up your fucking minds little boys! I'm sick of men, but I'm so lonely at the same time. So the job that I started, is in a law firm. I started out as the mail room girl and doing bitch work. Like delivering mail in the morning, and delivering faxes and mail brought in by couriers during the day. I would come in in the morning and get the coffee cups from the dishwasher and put them back in the cupboard, and make coffee for the lawyers and support staff. That really sucked. But now I am part of the summation department :D oh yea... big title lol. I number documents and scan them, enter them into the database and then enter data on them. Like the date, author, recipient, etc.. It gets kind of boring, but its better than waitressing or working in McDonald's. But before I became part of summation I was reception for the 11th floor which was really boring because barely anyone comes down there. They also never gave me work so I just talked on msn all day. Met lots of friends on rmb that way haha. I now do reception on the 12th floor while the main receptionist is on lunch, or sick, or has to go to the bathroom. I love the place that I work but I don't like my job that much. Today I was closing files and photocopying parts of and affidavit, which made the day pass really fast. well that's enough for tonight.. I will really try to write more since I'm on the computer every day, all night. Peace, Love, Empathy... Kelsey
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all the lovely people... where do they all come from?

I'm your best friend :-D I win!