shes eLeCtRiC

Listening to: oasis
Feeling: submissive
i finally left the house at 8:30 and went to jakes with lexi josh jack and eric. it was pretty tight. er nothing special really happened, jake won at yahtzee, they played keep away with my phone, the usual.
Read 9 comments
it's basically telling her to stop bitching at me because it's getting annoying.
its ok, i understand how ud think that about him from that entry (it wasnt that one-sided, i did my own bitchy part lol)
thx for the comment still tho
yeah pretty much, she's my RL friend.. or.. I think she is anyway but I haven't seen her since monday and since then she's just been freaking out at me a lot and whatnot...
yeah..its f-ing shitty....but i was talking to a friend and he made me realize sumthin...u got 2 options...1-suffer alot and cry over him 2- accept it and fight for ur happines..ithink i always choose 1 automatically though hahaha
Aww... Why did you guys break up?? And you will find the perfect guy, I know.
oh and sorry about ur friend flirting with him...i dont think that ones worth ur friendship...i dont know i cant judge but try to think about it..mayb u havent noticed but shes hurting u..
well its not #2 its #1...i cant stand my father i dont like anything about him and i dont think hes a good dad. Idk i have many reasons to hate him. im SOOOO exicted and ready for HS!i cant wait! i wish i could start tomorrow! i dont like 8th grade at all! <3 allison
I say if you still really like him that you should try to get back together with him.
yeah..friends r humans u cant expect them not to hurt u