Four Day Weekend

So it is the first day of my four day weekend, and what have I done? Actually, a lot! I really can't get over how much time there is in one day. I've worked out, gone to Walgreens, the bank, library, showered, Dr. Anderson's office (which is bitter sweet- if only he weren't married!!!) paid some bills, worked for two hours...and it's only 2pm! And I always get tons of homework done at work. It must be the weird gene I inherited from my mother- but I love multi-tasking! I was talking to Dr. Anderson (helping me with my linguistics) and then I'd have to stop to answer calls- and sound all professional. So a fly on the wall would have heard this: "But the velar fricitave is followed by vowels in- hold on I have a call...Good afternoon university of dallas can you hold please?....good afternoon university of dallas can you hold pleas?....thank you for holding how may I help you?...sure just one moment....thank you for holding, how may I help you?....sorry?,....sure, just one moment....ok, sorry about that, the vellar fricitave is followed by vowels, but like in numbers 10 and 3 they follow the same pattern but they turn into a "k"....well I don't want to "have to think about it"....I what about-hold on I have a call...Good afternoon, university of dallas..." and so on. It was like the night I was IMing three people-one in english, one in spanish and one in horrible german. I had a headache, but I loved it! Why do I have to be SUCH a nerd? What's even sadder is that I'm one of the UNDERachievers at this school... Speaking of which, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be home. My mom needs to get away from the small town atmosphere, and needs me there to help convince my dad that it would be best for the both of them. *sigh* Plus little Lucy Turd is always in the backround...every "uh" she makes (which is a lot, let me tell you) is a stab to my will power. Last night while I was talking to my mom, Lucy just about wittled away every ounce I had left with her insistant "uh"'s. (She was playing with my mom's mint filled purse and wanted my mom to open them so she could eat them. needless to say, she was not taking no for an answer.) I had a dream I was back home waitressing...haven't had one of those in a long time....I don't like them much, I always have 20 tables of annoying people who not only want to pay with credit cards, but also want separate checks (you know who you are). In these dreams I always forget 1)what I am doing 2)how to do what I'm doing and 3)which ticket goes to which table/person. It's very stressful. If I continue to waitress this bad, I'm sure to be unemployed soon. So no one is here....not even michelle...I told her that if I was blind she would be the perfect roommate b/c I would always know where she is...all I'd have to do is reach out my arm when I walk into the room and would be able to feel her sitting in her chair with her tea and science books. No one is here to distract me. By the way, can I just say how much it SUCKS that we have a two party system? I feel very fortunate to be taking Politics right now b/c it gives me something else to feel upset about. Just what I need. Something else that's very frustrating that has to spark my interest. Ignorance was so relaxing...why did I have to go and get myself educated?
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