Eyes wide open

Listening to: Matchbook Romance
Feeling: happy
yeah...so i ganked this from briana beth..:-) 1. Pick a band or musician. 2. Answer each question using just their song titles. 3. Tag some people to fill this out next. Band/Musician: Motion City Soundtrack Who are you? Monsters Invisible Are you male or female? Mary Without Sound How do you live your life? The Future Freaks me Out How do you see yourself? Attractive Today How do others see you? My Favorite Accident How are you feeling? Everything is Alright How do you love? Modern Chemistry Who do you love? L.G. Fuad Where do you wish you were? Back to the Beat How do you view others? Boombox Generation What is your advice? Truth Hits Everybody Well that was indeed a good time. ;-) Thomas won against Orchard Park on sunday, 39-14.Indoor started last week...which is awesome.I have training tomorrow for Petsmart! Nothing else going on...so yeah. the end lovies!
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wow ilu!

yes! awesome! totally rad! love me!
the fuck you callin a nigga?