you and me and the giving tree

if i could write. i would write about the world. about the people in it. about the air. about the sun that shines on certain days. about the green of the grass. and the sky that can be the bluest of blue. i would write to friends. to family. to the government. and people on the street. i would tell them. the world. she is perfect. and beautiful. and that they. and everything else. are part of it. they make her perfect. they make her whole. they make the air so good to breathe. they make the sunshine on certain days. i would write and say. never think you won't be missed. never think you are nothing. because you are. you are everything. you are what controls. what the world herself is. you control if she is perfect. you control the future. you are important. you are the green of the grass. and the bluest of blues in the sky. you make up the children running on the streets. you make it all worth while. if i could write. i would write about the world. i would write to the world. i would write about the world. about its beauty. about its purpose. about its life. about how it is perfect.
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