I'm in a weird mood. On the one hand, I'm extremely happy because I'm wearing a pretty dress and I want to pick flowers and such, but on the other hand, I want to punch things and just generally flip out. I think it might be my boredom building up on top of my anxiety to get to FLA. I. am. BORED. Nothing exciting is happening and it's making me crazy. I just want to scream and laugh. Random Points: - My boobs are NOT big enough for this dress. I don't really have the TRIPLE DDDDDD's to meet the necessary requirements. - I need to take a shower but I HATE showering. Such a waste of my time. - I want to play Okami but I know that if I start, I won't want to stop and I'll have to because of FLA. - My fluffy puppy isn't very fluffy. - Why does my camera insist on capturing the whiteness of my FACE but not the colors AROUND it. It's like a white floating bob. And my hair looks so pretty too.
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