Normal People Don't Have These Problems...

MOST people have problems with having a moment of being cruel. MOST people regret saying something too bluntly and hurting someone's feelings. Me? I'm definately not most people. Oh no, I have issues with being too nice. Take my drama today. A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go see a movie. I said sure and we determined that we'd go see Sky High (is that even still out? I haven't a clue...). And so it was entirely casual. Until he mentioned that he'd take me to Maggiano's first, his treat. Eep. (In case anyone does not know, that's a rather classy restaurant. Double eep.) SO...could I refuse outright? Oh no...I'd already said I would go. Could I make up something that I was doing to get out of it? NO! Cause I'm too freakin' moral. Gah. Death. SO he kept calling me to ask when he should pick me up. O_O If you know me, you know I HATE phones. It truly is almost a phobia. But I had to suck it up and call him back. So instead of just saying I didn't want to go or anything I had to be super polite and I accidentally said "So I'll have to take a raincheck on that..." >< GAH! Now the problem still exists. I cry. Boo on drama.
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nothing wrong with being nice.


Nice Guys finish last... the good die young... but pricks live FOREVER!

so... to increase your longevity. Every day when you see that kid come to your house from a crossed the street. Run out and yell "GET OUTTA HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!"... and it will be just like taking vitamins ^^
oh, and welcome to the madness which is SitDairy.
*also welcomes to the maddness that is SD...more specifically the madness that is my latest entry on SD*
