my need

i really want a girl friend. i have never had a girl friend before and really look forward to the day that i do have one. one girl i was so interested in i was a suker and gave her gifts and treated her very special and she never even seemed like she appreciated it. when i like a girl especially i treat them really well.i want to make a girl happy. i am really kind respective and generous. i see other relationships and the guy doesnt do anything for the girl and they stay together. i know that you dont want to buy a girl off but on her birthday buy her a gift, valentines day get her candy, holidays treat her special. some times i see my self treating other people's girl friends better and being more considerate then the boy friend. i think that a girl would like a person who opens the door for them or is just considerate and pays attention the what she says. it might be my looks why i dont have a girl friend yet but i am not bad looking. my actions and the way i treat them i am perfect. you know i dont understand why girls think looks is everything. i dont make the girl think that she is useing me but i give her gifts when there is a reason or one in a while. i guess what i am trying to say is that i am thought full enough to get her gifts when i want to but not all the time tell me what you think
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Ok most gurls love getting gifts and stuff but alot of gurls dont like the fact of getting lots of gifts cause then they feel like they are useing you and then they get upset and break it off. And a guy that is always nice and never acts like a dick to any one pisses off some people. U know what I mean? Like you should be nice but tuff and dont give somany gifts so they dont think they are useing you. I hope that kinda helps. "Latex" xoxo Allyssa
hey u seem really nice i dunno girls might feel like if you keep giving them gifts that they are like useing you and even though you say it doesnt seem like that to you it can to other people. g/l on the gf thing i hope it all works out and the right person is going to come around, no worries. if someone asks a friend or i out and we dont like them we dont want to hurt their feelings and make them feel bad and then we feel bad 4 them bein sad
Hey I dont go to foot hill. I go to Ventura. My name is Allyssa Raymond though. If you know John Raymond, he goes to Foothill, he is my brother.