What's Next?

Today I have finished the new Harry Potter book. No, I won't say what happens but come on!!!!!!!!!!! Did she decide to write the script herself for the sixth movie and decide to release it as a book??????????? Things happened out of no where without an explanation!!! I couldn't believe it! And it was almost 150 pages less than the last book!!! I'm going to be pissed off if the next one isn't 750 pages!!!!!!! But overall I LOVED IT!!!!!! I can't wait until the next one!!!!!! Though I have a feeling it won't be for another 2 f'ing years. Which pisses me off as well considering I heard she already had finished it!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I could wait a year but not two years!!!!!!!!! ::Twitch Twitch:: I need my H.P. fix. Yep so anyways I'm going to reread it soon just in case I missed stuff. But yeah. I'm taking Kelly out for her birthday Wednesday. That should be fun. I hope she likes the place I take her to. I love her so much and I don't want her to be disappointed. I also got her a few more presents. I spoil her. I know I should save my money more so than what I do, but I can't help it!!!! ::Shrugs:: In other news my cousin died in a car accident Saturday morning. It sucks. He wasn't wearing his seat belt and he was going around sharp turns way to quickly most likely, and he flipped his truck. The cop said he might have survived if he had worn his seat belt. But no one could tell him to wear it. If you said it went out the other as if it was never said. I'm sad he died but in truth I am not as torn as I feel I should be. I guess maybe because I feel it was his own dumb fault. Hmmm Enough out of me. Good night!
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Hey bud. Long time, no talk. My fault as usual.

Just wanted to let you know, things are happening again...*sigh*
