school sux!!

Listening to: jen and kalya talk
Feeling: torn
In school. Ya I know pretty sad huh. oh well. I'm trying to decide whether i should go skiing this weekend or not. Everybody wants me to go but i think its getting really boring. I'd rather sit home and do nothing. Kayla... I know that you are gettingt really fed up with the whole thing between us and elysia. I was starting to be "civil" about it until i heard what shedid with Nick in front of Christina on the bus last night. Its really none of my business but i don't like it when people do things intentially just to hurt other peoples feelings. I still love all of you guys and i will try my hardest not to say anything about her in front of you guys. Love ya'all
Read 13 comments
seriously. wtf did she do in front of nick? grrrr.
yay! yur diary looks so pretty now! :) haha.

love you! :D
BRIANNA. Thanks for telling me you had a diary. SHEESH.

I had to hunt your black ass down!

Well I loveeee you
And I miss our good times in Cos haha

talk to you later :)
Hey brianna!
your diary is pretty!

BRIANNA!!!! I love you. Sorry about not going skiing friday..I just really dont feel like it. :/ :) Don't hate me.

I agree..none of their business. none.

Alright..gotta write in mine now. love you, my deep-breasted friend. ;) haha...

-your casterated, castroso, shit brownie maker, bitchy friend-Kristy
god. that's horrible. if you don't like the girl, then they should believe you. gooood.! HER MOM IS RUINING THINgS!
well that's stupid. just tell them, that what your fighting for is what's right. (in your mind) you're probably grouned now, i bet. :( ohhhh this is stupid. honestly.

haha. ok. how could she block her?
you gotta get some kind of IM thinger. :P or we could just keep doing this. lol its fun
haha. then why does she keep calling back? that's gay.
good luck with the parents. :

love you!
Hey I like your diary! ITs kool! Hope everything goes well with whoever!
Love ya Chic!
Emily says change your text. And she singing MCR - Helena.