
well, last saturday I had my first swim meet of the season. - I am so proud fo my self for getting a first, second and third place ribbon!! anyways, my dog Baxter is going to have puppies within 24 hours OMG i am so excited!!!
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wel last night me, my sister and my best friend went trick or treating last night and we had SO much fun. Practically everyone commented us on our costumes and we defintiltyl were a hit. I also have a lot of candy. The bad thing is that this morning I have had an extremely hard time getting ready for school and I have to study for my big math test - i am obviously trying to avoid it. WEll, britepeink write me on how YOUR halloween was? HAHAHA
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guess what, I have contacts now! I can actually see now. I can't wait fo rthe weekend because I am so sick of school right now.
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I know, it is incredibly early but I have got this very sudden christmasy feeling. I was listening to Charlie Browns Christmas as I went to bed las night and I made a list of Christmas presens for most everybody. I don't know why. It is getting cold outside which is pretty sweet. I can't wait untill thanksgiving, or to be more specific, the night before thanksgiving (pienight). I had my hair cut and I think that it looks better than it did before, it didn't look very good at all before if you were wondering. i have to go now and do homework . . .
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its raining inside

doing was not a very good day for me. Somedays I feel like a complete loser, every body else has a whole bunch o friends and when we went into the auditorium for this tjing, I sat all by myself (literally) and I almost cried about 3 times - I couldn't find vanesa or Sally. Maybe it is becuase I was so tired, I hardly remeber what i did in any of my classses today, it was all a blur. I can't wait untill I get out of highschool, or at least for somehting bette to happen.
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The weather

Listening to: oldies
Feeling: caffeinated
well, you would not believe how cold Iam right now. It is about 11:40 and I just got out of school for the day! WE had those queer ass tests called mats or something like that - they are incredibly easy so . . . Last night I got a really cute e-mail from one of the kids in sweden that I met this summer - ABout how excited he was that I was coming back, it started out with "raaaaaaaaaad". Since I know that you are going to ask me anyways, Bitty, his name is Olle - don 't get any ideas I know EXACTLY what you are thinking!! It kind of sucked that it rained all weekend but I am kind if glad because I watched this really good BBC series called 'Monarch of the GLen' I love it !!! I am going to go to my grandmothers house now and have lunch so bye for now.
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Field Trip

Well, our fiedl trip really sucked. It was foggy, wet and we got lost about 3 times. AT Acadia on Sand beach, we asked this kid to go into the water and he lost his balance and just fell back right into the water - it was really funny ! I saw this cute guy from my class but that is about it because I know that he likes somebody else. I wonder if anyone at my school likes me? That would be cool. Hows it going with Robbie bit?
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this weekend

Listening to: oldies
Feeling: bored
well, we just got back from an assembly about who to vote for president at school. This morning, this one guy went around introducing himself to everybody and passing out smarties and if you had seen the way he acted you would have agreed that he acts kind of gay - me and my sister agreed on it!! Tommorow our freshman class is going on a fieldtrip to Acadia National Park ans we are going to hike the Beehive, I bet it will be fun, anything is better then being in school listening to teachers who are 50% deaf or don't know what they are teaching! This one teacher is obsessed with trolls and has almost 1000 of them in her classroom, she is realy wierd and my math teacher has been teaching since the '70's - i think she needs to retire!! My sister is being such a bitch today, you would not believe it - if you even ask her a simple question she starts to yell at you, embaress you and is completely disagreeable. WHat do you think britepink?
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Well, homecoming at the Cameron field, at the COhen School was SOOOO cold. I just could not stay warm. We just sat there becasue we were not allowed to roam arround. We left at halftime. I had some REALLy good ribs, chicken, and kilbosa. NOthing really intersting has happened lately so I'll write back later.
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I am at school

well, i am really excited today becasue today was my homecoming pep rally at highschool. WE had to sing this gay song called Rawhide and it sounded HORRIBLE. but I am going over to my best friends house (britepink65) after i go to swim practice and we are going to a football game which should be really fun becasue I can see all of my friends!
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hi this is my first diary entr. i have to geta hot guy for my picture!! cant wait.go to my friend lauras diary britepionk65.bye i will write back some other time.
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