About eighteen.

Listening to: dun dun dunnnn
Feeling: achy
My back hurts. I broke my driver's side mirror off trying to back into the garage apex of doom, and I have a head ache.. this is silly. These occurances are non-important and seem to be very frivolous to even type, but I am told that I must update, and these are the sequences of my life. Today is going to be extra-special wonderful for a couple of reasons. I get to spend it with llama and sunshine- I'm going to go see the new Katie Heigl movie, and I have a woman crush on her x ten, we're going to the olive garden for soup, salad and bread-sticks, and they shall be delicious. I am very complacent about coming to eighteen, and the people I shared it with. I didnt know if it would be anything but a day, but it was a day of reunions, of moving on, and of realizing that the world is enormous, and there is no limit to the potential. I dont need. I want, but dont need. this knowledge allows a degree of self-separation. anyway. llama and sunshine will be here soon to pick me up, and I am very excited. I want to get out of the oppression of this house just for a few hours, and live a little.. maybe go to borders and buy some books I dont need but want, or something. this has been an update of my life as I see it. (cicero, we didnt end up going to cloverfeild! llama has vertigo, and it was advised she not see it. i hope to venture there sometime, though, it sounds yummy.)
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thanks anyway.
YAY! <33