
Listening to: Girls & Boys by Blur
Feeling: alone
I'm just ready to go home for Christmas. I'm really stressed with finals. And it doesn't help that I think I'm gettin on everyone's nerves because everyone seems to sorta stop talking when I'm around... I don't know what I did. = Other than that things are going okay I suppose. Sold back a few books, got some cash. Talked to some friends back home online. Going to Florida the first ween in January. I'm excited. Err...yeah. I forgot what I came here to say. <3
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What the hell?

Feeling: disillusioned
5 Random Facts: 1) I danced ballet for 15 years. 2) I've only grown 2 inches since 6th grade, I'm only 5'0''. 3) I'm majoring in English Education for Secondary Schools. 4) I only want guys I can't have 5) The friends I've made in college are some of the best friends I could ever hope for. College blows my mind each and every day. I'm probably not starting this thing out on the good foot, but I've never been one for doing things right. Let me just say this: I love college. I love everything about it. Classes. Dorm rooms. Parties. Friends. God, I love my friends. Drinking. Smoking. Sleeping too much and usually, not sleeping enough. I love it all. I'm probably the average college student. But I think it's extraordinary, and that's what matters, right? <3
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