hEy EvErYoNe!

i'm sooo bad at writtn in this! I'm so sorry, well not that anyone really cares but o well! lol so we won out football game friday! wOoT! I'm happy about that. We needed that win! And after the game I went over to joes..that was really fun! lol yeah and then saturday i really didn't feel very good for some reason...i dont really know why i just started feeling bad and then like a few hours later i felt better. i dont know it was really weird. I went shopping that night with my mom and molly. there wasnt much in the stores. I was kida sad, so i didnt get anything! bummer!! I really need some new things! o well its all good. Well we have a gAmE tomorrow! yEaH!! I hope we win! its a freshman game tho. Our JV (my grade!!) is 6-1, but the team we are playing is 7-0 so we are about even!! so hopefully we will win! I really hope so. We are doing so good this year. Hope we can keep it up! ♥ kelsey
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You make me smile. I love you. And the new layout is TZight! MUAH.