Listening to: Legally Blonde music
Feeling: alright
yea, well. i haven't been on in awhile. that is b/c my internet is currently disconnected. yea, that is due to my horrible experience on Tuesday. My mom's bf was mad. so yea... anywho, and then i came to school on Wednesday lookin horrible as ever. i think it is safe to say that it was the worst i have looked this whole year. well, life goes on. lol. legally blonde (that i am watching right now) is funny. she so reminds me of one of those sterotypical prep chicks in the sterotypical schools. and just because she is dumb, she sometimes reminds me of me, he he. well, besides the gay tues. and wed. thursday and today weren't bad. i finally talked to steven again for the first time in a LONG time. so that was good times. and today... today was pretty good. even though it is friday and they are never good, today actually was. bio was not bad and typing was pretty cool too. there are these two guys in there that are HILARIOUS! man o man. well, i think that is it. tootles. p.s. i actually aced that math test with the exponents that we had to memorize. :)
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LMAO... Andrea u were not looking bad that day... Woo hoo matt is coming over today
fuck this stupid thing, not lettin me put a whole AC/DC song in here stupid fuckin internet thing LONG LIVE AC/DC AND BEER (good beer) FUCK LLOYD!!!!