002. All these things ive learned

Over the past year i have learned more then i have ever before in my life. I've come to realize that change is inevitable, and theres nothing any one can do to stop it. I used to believe that to be accepted i had to change the same way eveyrone else did even if it was againts what i belived in. I was wrong. The truth is, the people who really care about you are going to be there for you whether you change or not. Also that when you change to please others you end up hurting yourself. I've learned to stop dwelling int he past because the future will being much better things, and that when bad things happen, you have to keep moving on. At times feel that i have to look like everyone else, as skinny as her with my hair as long as her and my clothes had to be just as expensive as hers, once again i could not have possibly been more incorrect . I'm not super skinny, i dont have gorgeous hair, and i deffinetly am not able to buy name brand everything. But I'm happy with who i am, sure sometimes i get in bad moods and of course theres tons of things i wish i could change about me but still, I can be happy with who i am. I know my faults and flaws and im still happy. I can be honest with myself that i make a ton of mistakes. I've judge people too quickly, I've lied to people, I've hidden things from people when they should have known, I mess up a lot. But it is the ability to realize that you have made mistakes, that makes them forgiveable. I'm trying to learned to see a good side to everything and everyone because all the times you complain aobut people and things your only letting negativity get into your life and all thast going to do is make you unhappy so yeah be happy :]
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