Reality is an Illusion: Intro

Listening to: Tom Petty
Feeling: amazed

Just as the title says; Reality is an Illusion. I'm not entirely sure how I know that, just the first thing that came to my head. Weird how your mind works at times.

I guess, I mean, you can go through your whole life believing things are true. You can be told stories all your life, that doesn’t mean that your whole life was a lie. People can lie, and most likely will, all throughout your life. Maybe, because they believe it's true.

People always tell me to stop living in my head, because I prefer my fake realities to reality, but what they don't understand is, life. Life is an illusion. I’m not sure how I know, I just do. But maybe, because I think it's an illusion, that's actually an illusion. What the fuck... I'm rambling now. I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about now.

Well, I feel a bit of an introduction is in order. My name doesn't matter. I am a deep thinker. Day dreamer too. I try to find the things in life that make me happy. I don't try and act like other people. I work hard for what I want. That's all I can think of later. I'll post more soon.

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