
Feeling: bored
Well...I just got back from Panama City Beach, Florida. That was my second time to go this summer. I went last month for camp. We have gone there every year for the past 8 years. I liked it better when my mom wasnt married. My stepdad gets on my nerves. It was fun though because Adam came. We had a lot of fun. We swam with the sting rays and did all kinds of stuff. I was kind of glad to come home though. I missed my dog. Well I was talking to my grandma yesterday and she said I could move in with her. My stepdad kicked my oldest brother out of the house a few months ago. I really want to move out because I am sick my my stepdad telling all of us to do all this crap while he goes and rides on his harley. So my grandma said we could move in with her and Michael. So I asked my mom if I could and she said "No, who would do all the work around the yard and house?" Its not like she really cares about us. Every since she got remarried she hasnt paid any attention to us. She just expects us to do all the work, but Im not doing it anymore. Another reason why I want to move in with my grandma is because a lot of my friends live in town by her. There isnt anybody that lives out here. It sucks. I am glad my stepdad is going to work Tuesday. Nathan is going to camp Sunday. Me and my bros are probley going to go spend the week at my grandmas. I dont care what my mom has to say about it. Im going. On the way home today me and Adam were just joking around and being stupid. He said something and I was just joking and I said shut up. Then my mom turns around and slaps me and tries to do it again and I slapped her arm into the seat. She said that I need to stop treating my brothers like shit. First of all I wasnt even talking to any of my brothers. I was talking to Adam. He isnt even related to me he is just a friend. And second my brothers treat me like shit so I am going to treat them the same way. Nathan and I were talking about how cool it would be to run away for like a week and my mom heard us and she said go right ahead it will save me money on food. Nathan goes "Shit is that all you care about? Why dont you give us up for adoption. It will save you a lot of damn money." Then my mom slaps him and told him that he better not ever use taht language again. Then she said I dont know why i havent already done that.Then Nathan slapped her back and told her that she isnt going to slap him again. She said well we will see about that. I thought it was funny. I cant wait till Sunday. I havent been to church in a week. Our church is so much fun. Well actually my mom and stepdad dont care for it as much as me but whatever. Well its 1:00am and I am talking to Ryan and Blaine and trying to check my email. So l8er.
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hey, we do have alot in common. yeh i understand what your goin through. my pap just told me theres the door..so im prolly gunna leave. i hop things get better for you and ur bros. ttyl lulas

love always,
yo fuck the confederate flag