[42] OH EM GEE!

Listening to: None
OH EM GEE! I haven't updated in SOO long! Can you believe that?? Well, I have a myspace! It's myspace.com/xein ADD ME, LOSERS! XDDD jk I love you all (: I really hope everythings going well for everyone! I'm actually at school right now. :o Haha I am a baaad girl :P Well.. consumer education is borrrinnggg! Leave me messages, please (: with <3 always
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[41] Bloody Git

Feeling: sluggish
Yeah, nice title right? Haha.. this title is dedicated to my new blog name. I picked it because.. well.. I think guys are bloody gits. And normally people would be like, "why are you trying to be british?" Well, I'll answer that before anyone can ask me 0.- Haha 1. I am not trying to be British. I have been reading a lot of British fan fics lately that have gotten me into the habbit of saying some of the phrases. In no means am I trying to be something I'm not, it just sort of comes now. 2. "He's a bloody git" is because, yes, I think guys are bloody gits, don't you? Haha, I just think that lately guys have been getting on my nerves some and it's bloody annoying. So that's what the title means. So yes, there you go, my explaination. Well, for my day! Today I was actually sick and such, so I stayed home from school. Thankfully I'm better now, but I missed a gym test and probably something else important. =P But yeaaaaah.. Lately much hasn't happened. Me and Julianne went bowling with the people from housegroups. That was REALLY fun! The best I bowled was 150, but me and Julianne cheated on that and gave each other a turkey! Hahaha.. the next best was 101 for me and that was really funny because that was the game where we crazy bowled [bowling where you do crazy things, like spinning around, kicking the bowling ball, etc]. I really had a great time there! Umm.. yeah. We [Me and Julianne] went to the Saturday service of Impact and they sang Green Day [Blvd. Of Broken Dreams]. ^^ Hehe, I love that song. Yeah, anywho, my head is still kinda ringing and it's 9:20. I'm going to bed "early." Leave a message if you love me and my new layout [made by myself, thank you]. Yeah.. Muse is my new band obbsession. ^^ Love ya much! -[Court PS: Sorry, I don't write in here often so I probably won't reply to your comments very often, but I do still enjoy your opinions :) Or just up for a chat ^^ EDIT: Sorry the layout is gay right now- I'm working on it!!
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[37] A while

Listening to: Relient K
Feeling: neurotic
Hey everyone! I haven't written in a while. Like the new style? Lol. Um, so, I'm flying to Michigan by myself tomorrow. Yes, a fourteen-year-old freshman. On a plane. BY herself. Lol. I'm so nervous! Lol, but I can't wait to get there! To see awesome Torri! :P She's awesome. Lol. Well. I have my eye on someone.. but it's long... and confusing. Cuz, uh... maybe its more than one person.. like two. But uh... more one than other. Does that make me a slut? lol. I mean, it's not like I wan't to like them both. It just.. comes naturally :o Anyyyywho..... I got my new Relient K CD! Yeah! I'm so happy! IT ROCKS! Lol... I also got this other good band's CD; Hawk Nelson. BUT I LOVE RK MORE! Lol... I'm bored already lol. TTUL! xo-Court
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[36] So Long

Listening to: T.V. Show
Feeling: kawaii
Hey everyone! I haven't written in a really long time! I have so much to write, but a short amount of time. I went to Michigan in the summer. The story of my life! I loved it so much there, even though it was, like, the only week where it rained almost everyday. The last day it didn't rain, though. But still, I wouldn't have traded it for anything! I met a lot of great people, like the people we stayed with, Nick, Rose, Chrissy, and Steven. And the Bullards and Corey (though I don't really know her). While we were staying there, Chrissy, Torri, Abby, Karley (I think that's how it's spelled [?]), and I went to the Humane Society. We were going to maybe adopt a dog there, but decided against it, even though Chrissy found a dog she really liked. She decided to ask her mom first (even though she's 17). The dog we found was a female, nine year old, Retreiver-Lab dog named Midnight. The people that worked there found her on the streets and no one claimed her, so they named her. But the dog was just adorable; she grunted all the time and it was so cute. But they didn't get her because she would shed too much. Also, while we were there we went to a parade; it was okay, I suppose; Torri made it fun, though... she makes everything (almost always - lol) fun. :P After that, we went to Lake Michigan and swam a while, then rented 2 Jetskis and we were jetskiing for a while, which was one of the best experiences of my life! :D First, I went with Nick (because I can't drive it; I'm too young). It was my first time, so he was nice to me- lol. But then I went with April (a person I knew from a time when me & Torri went to camp together & switched names on her) and I thought I was going to die! But it was really ReallY fun! After it was my turn, I went kayaking.. that was kind of cool I guess. :) So, that was at the end of the week, before that it was fun, too, but I can't quite remember anything. Later on that night, we (Torri & Family, Bullards, Carefoots, and other people) went to see fireworks. It was fun. :) Especially when Chris & Jacob were firing off firecracker things- lol. But anyway, I'm kind of bored of typing, and my hands are getting tired, and it's getting late. So I'm off, and I'll try to write in this thing more often! xoxoxo -Court-
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[34] Oopsy!!

Feeling: fluffy
I havent written in SUCHHH a long time. It's weird bcuz i always wrote in this thing, sometimez 2 timez a day (shut up.. lol ^-^), and now i rarely write in it!! Welllll... hmmmmmm. what's there to write about? Here's a song that i REALLY REALLY REALLY like!!! SEETHER LYRICS "Broken" I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well I wanna hold you high and steal your pain ‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away You've gone away, you don't feel me, anymore The worst is over now and we can breathe again I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight I wanna hold you high and steal your pain ‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open And I don’t feel like I am strong enough ‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away ‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open And I don’t feel like I am strong enough ‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away 'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don't feel right when you're gone away You've gone away You don't feel me here anymore Basic crap name:: Courtney age in years:: 13 age in your experiences:: um..? location:: hoffman est., IL school?: SUMMERRR Past: who was your childhood best friend?: umm.... Torri &/ or Julianne (still YAY lol) did you play with barbies (don't lie!)?: i think so..... GIRLS: Were you a tomboy?: not quite Did you watch power rangers?: um, idr.. im thinking not Did you have imaginary friends?: no Doesn't play-do taste good?: never tried it, but dog food did!! (lol) Did you actually sleep during nap time?: i cant remember Did you ever get married at recess?: umm.. maybe? Did you make turkey's out of your hand print?: of course!!! Present: Where do you go to school?: (SUMMERRR!!) i WILL be going to Fremd High School What do you like to do?: Hanging with FRIENDS!! and playing lotza SPORTS!! Listening to MUSIC!! :) Where do you go on the weekends?: Places? Who are your good friends?: Torri, Julianne, Neha.. (& steph, rita.. i could go on :P) How many people are on your buddy list?: 142 Do you enjoy chick-flicks?: yea Do you have a signifigant other?: no Do you like high school drama?: not suuuure Favorite subject?: science (unless we have to disect something [poor something :(]) What is your favorite song?: Broken - Seether - Feat. Amy Lee .. ORR any Evanescence song.. idk Favorite drink?: A&W (or such) Favorite food?: umm.. cookie dough!! :P yumm Future: Where do you want to live?: Somewhere.. nice :) hehe Do you want to get married?: yes Do you want children?: probably.. Natural or adopted?: doesnt matter i guess What do you want to do?: Be able to do whatever i really like when i get older Where is the one place you must visit before you die?: umm.. im not sure. probably with my old house with my family What does the end of the world hold in store?: ummmm ... idk What color casket?: argh, idkkkk. maybe blue.. or PINK!! hehe Do you want to be cremated or embalmed?: idc, whichever Donate your body to science?: HECK NO!!! How would you like to die?: with some1 i luv :) Do you see yourself in heaven or hell?: heaven .. (i hope =o) Do you believe in heaven and hell?: yes ^^ stolen ^^ :P OH OH OH.. i totally forgot hehe... i graduated :) It was sad :( but afterwards, we (all the cool ppl .. lol) went to Oberwise (ice cream place) & it was REALLY fun!! Even tho we had to wait 4ever for them to make our "orders." Yeah, well.. nothing new. Im gonna miss the ppl from sandburg soo much!!!! :'( ttul! Xx Court oO
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[33] oops

Feeling: beaming
Hey hey heyyyy huns!! ^_^ I haven't written in SOOOO long!! Well, just to get ya'll(in NOT texan - lol) caught up on this thing... I went to Pittsburgh, PA last weekend!!! OMG!!! Best time of my LYFE!!! There, we (my dad, julianne, and i) met another family - Tyler & Kyle (weren't the whole family, but the people we "hung out with"). Yeaaaaaah... so anyways. The first Cubs vs. Pirates game we went to, the Cubs were doin really well in the 1st inning and ssslllooowwwlllyyy went doooooown.. heh. ^_^ (i love that face thingy - lol - & these O.o o.O - hehe). Well, enough with that!! ^_^ The second game we went to (again, Cubs vs. Pirates), the Cubs won!! By 11!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!! Well, back to the 1st game... After it, they showed fireworks & stuff & played different songs during it including William Hung; Remix of "She Bangs" - lol. Yeah, but it was still so MUCHO fun!! ^_^ Well, we went swimming b4 & after that too, which was fun ^_^ until a mean lady yelled at Pat, Michael, etc.. Urgh... O.o Hehehehe... okay............................. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! Today was our Graduation Party!!!! It was SOOOO MUCHO FUN... but there is only ONE DAY left of school!!! AND I DONT WANT TO LEAVE CARL SANDBURG!!!! *tear* -I know it sounds stupid, but i dont wanna leave!! :P Anywayzzzzz; WHY ISNT MY MUSIC PLAYING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! lol.. hehe, i luv music soo mucho ^_^ lalala.... otay, ill stop now o.O At the party (which was during school, i might add ^_^ [hehe]), they had this obstacle course thing, where u race ur friend & i raced julianne 3 times & beat her 3/3!! teehee. But, the second time, i had to jump over Sean Enos because he, like, fell in a hole o.O lol. And the 3rd time, i fell out of the course (shut up >__< Well, they also had this moonwalk & i did 1,000 flips on it ^_^ heh. And then, when ur done, u climb up this ladder thing & slide down the slide and me & jj & neha stayed up there and it was very fun ^_^ and then me, jj, and lisa stayed up there, and they were purposefully (i know its not a word - lol) trying to bother us (the other ppl on the moonwalk) by raming into the side of the moonwalk. & then i fell down the slide and kept trying to get back up for, like, 10 minutes o.O and then finally i did ^_^ It's SOOOO hard!!! O.o Well, that's all in my *cough non cough* exciting lyfe ^_^ luff yew lotz *court*
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[32] Omg

Feeling: numb
Omg, I haven't written in SOOO long!! :( Anyways, tonight I got an award :) I got it for hardest worker :D Yeah.. & Bianca got, like, all of the possible awards!! lol, she's perfect!! lol Well, @ the last Elevate I couldn't stop crying, and Julianne kept laughing at me!! :(admit it Julianne! :P ) And I'm so sad it's over now :'( Well, I'm going to Pittsburgh, pennsylvania tomorrow... I get out at lunch!! 8 hour drive YAHOO!! lol. I'm going with Julianne & my dad & we r meeting the Mason's & another family there!! It'll be so much fun!! & We're going to see the Cubs games (hopefully they win!! :P ) Well, I have to go because my ferrets (And the other two ferrets I'm babysitting :P ) are running around in my room unattended :P TTUL. Luff yew all lots :P **CoMeNt In My DiArY pLeAsE :)** ^Court^
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[31] ¿'Sup?

Listening to: My Band - D12
Feeling: lovely
Hmm, not much to write about. I went to Student Impact yesterday, and im gonna miss Elevate :( lol. I didn't like S. Impact very much, it was kinda.. different. I don't like change :P Anywayz... nothing exciting ever happens in my life. lol. Oh, & it sux now cuz my friends all have bfs and I'm all alone :( lol. Well, not all of my friends, just some of them. :P Anywho. I'm bored and there isn't much I can write about. :) ttul. comment on my diary. and luff yew lotz :D *Court* (aka corky & the wine bottle sho0o0ow)~lol patrick
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[30] Zoning

I have a headache. :) Anywayz... umm, Elevate was cool... like usual. :D Um, it talked about how your words could be destructive or constructive. It made me think.. um.. anywayz. :D They kept talking about "is God in the front, or back, of your 2-seated-bike (which i cant remember the name of :D )?" and I dont know. How can you tell? I shur as Hell cant :0 :P. IDK. So, as im confused with that, I'm eating donuts. hehe. they tasted good! lol, natalie tries so hard, and shes so nice (with the donuts), lol. Oh weeeeeeeeeell. My stomach hurts. I'm kinda weird-feeling rite now. Like, I want to be happy, I SHOULD be happy, but I'm not. And I can't be. URGH. I've been like this a LOT for a LONG TIME. URGH again. Darn it. Ya, and no one "actually knows me." As i've sed b4, even tho ppl think they know me REALLY well. they have NOOOO idea. : Kinda weird, like im some kind of long lost sibling from a different country, like China. Ya, I'm a long lost sibling from China. lol. idk. its confusing. I kno, i kno, i make no sense :P o well. Well.... I'm gonna go eat dinner now. Um. Yesh. :) TTUL!!!!!!!! LUFF YEW LOTZ!!!!!!!!! Xx~Courtney~oO
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[29] Stolen

Listening to: nuttin
Feeling: sluggish
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 20, find line 3. Write down what it says: "(Since I have, let me go on and speak further to my lord, even) though I am but dust and ashes. Suppose there are..." THE BIBLE :) 2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? air 3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?: Fire Burns Below (or something like that) 4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: ll:40 am. 5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?: 11:39 am. 6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?: dead silence (besides the keys on the keyboard when I type) 7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?: 2 days ago. I was at school. 8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?: Umm.. aim. i think? but no one was on :( lol 9: What are you wearing?: pajamas :P 10: Did you dream last night?: i did, but I can never remember them. 11: When did you last laugh?: Last night because of this TV show.. hehe. 12: What is on the walls of your room?: blank. its just a plain blue wall. Oh, it has a notice board thing on it w/ the lil erase board attatched. 13: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: No idea. 14: Tell me something about you that I don't know: you know nothing about me :) But.. uhhhhhhhh... i have arthritis.. 15: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: um- ja..mie? :P i dunno 16: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: uh.. joe? idk im bad at this kinda thing :P all done.. sorry - i kinda stole this =0 heh. Xx~Courtney~oO
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[28] V. Show

Listening to: Shut up - B.E.P.
Feeling: upset
-:- Shut up, just shut up shut up -:- omg i luv that song :D well, tonites da variety show; i didnt try out, but im goin cuz my friend ((RITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lol)) is in it!! GOO RITAAA!! :D Anywhooooooo: today was kinda shytty. cuz, like, my friend was annoying the hell outta me lol :P but, uh.. i was asking my friend wat was going on because he was all upset & such and hes like "um, its none of your business, and i dont have to tell you?" & im like, shyt. im such an idiot! i told him he didnt have to tell me b4, but, idk it hurt. and then he was away ((online)) and i left him a message sayin "sorry, i know u didnt have 2 tell me, it wasn my 'business' sorry." and he didnt IM me wen i came back on. i feel shytty nowwwwwww. OH WELL! i hope the variety show takes my mind offa that. ummmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :D so, hows life? :P NOTE TO ALL YOUS PPLS: ~please dont tell me i stole ur 'username' i didnt. go eat pants. :) and have a GREAT day :P lalala. simpsons is on. JOY!! :D oh, i am 'babysittin' my friends 2 ferrets. 2+2=4. thats how many ferrets i have living with me rite now :D cuz i have 2 and.. she has 2.. and.. YA!!! so. ferrets are SOOO cool! :P lol i luv 'em. anyway, i g2g get ready. TTUL!! and comment in my diary :) it makes me happy lol. !~LUFF YEW~! -:-court-:-
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[26] Random

Listening to: nuttin
Feeling: crazy
-:- I'm really random -:- haha. & i dont wanna miss a thiiiiiiing. ya okay. eating a marshmallow. with gravy. ew. uh-huh. okay. so. whats new? im bored. boring. bored. boring bored. okay im done. *sighs* i just got done with watching the bachelor. ewwww Jesse picked the two gayest peoples ever!! i hate Trish & Karen. they need to die! haha jking. im not going to kill them. i just REALLY dont like 'em. but, uh..... ya. so. i ran into a wall earlier. it hurt. haha. ya. i cant do summersaults. i was trying, but i had 2 use the wall to flip over. lol. but it was fun. i can do backwards summersaults, tho ((idk how to spell that, and personally idc :D)). ya, and my grandma gave me candy. for easter. but easter is over. so she was jus a lil late. :P but anyway. my dad was making fun of me for having the volume of the TV up too much. pptth, i thot it was fine :D and he kept setting the alarm system in our house off. deedoodeedoodeedoodeedoodeedoo. GEEZ! it was driving me crazy. i had homework. we had to make a planner for a myth/ folktale/ whatever. it was boring. mine was on "Why the Pig's Tails are Curly." lol. mhmm. anyway. im tired. cuz its 9:15. and i want to go to bed "early." so i'll write sum more later. Comment in my diary!! i get lonely :( lol. -luv always- ^^Court^^
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Listening to: linkin park
Feeling: agitated
okay, if anyone ever needs to talk, IM me. i just thot i'd put that there for anyone who wants/ needs to talk. even if ur bored. lol. **court** anywhooo. um. yesterday was STRIVE. it was pretty fun, i guess. umm. i 'worked' for 8 hours. except... me & brittanie & torri & julianne & anna & steph all kinda took looong breaks. we played "spy" ha. it was fun. but we had all these secret codes. and, like, i was the "look-out" omgosh so funny. & all of a sudden Natalie ((our leader)) came out from behind these trees and we all ditched the codes & im like "natalie!!!!" & we hid behind a tree!. ya. & then Bruce. haha. in this little cabin thing people had written all over it with chalk & such, and on the floor there was just a wood plank. rite there nailed to the ground. and on it it sed "Bruce" and a phone number ((which i still have memorized!! lol)). and we all made up a story to go with it. like, Bruce was a native american midgit and we found this tepee thing and it was his home. and where we found the phone # was were he died. and we found these huge "post" things and those were his stilts. omg is was great. and torri did a rain dance & the rest of us stood on tree stumps & kept the beat. it was funny. and then this lady was recording our group for Elevate and we asked her to tape our rain dance & she sed she would, but she didnt turn it on!! so i was like "guys, shes not taping us!!!" and when she left brittanie was like "THANKS FOR TAPING US!!!" haha. well. its a sunday. and i hate sundays because its the last day of the weekend :( and i have nothing to look forward to tomorrow or tuesday. well, i have "A" block. i guess that's okay. but i have to do this project for sobon. which is TOTALLY not fun. :( o well. ttul!!!! -luv court-
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[24] Boring

Feeling: worthless
Oh What A Boring Life We Weave I'm bored. bored. bored. bored. and today was very long. and slow. and tiring. and just plain EVIL!! lol. i think im allergic to sumthin, but idk what. anyway: i changed my diary a lil. still making some changes. i was ReAlLy bored! :D today: i woke up. went to church ((it was a good service!!)). got home. got in yet another fite. cried. ate lunch. still in a fite. cried. ate crackers. and now im here. lol. what an exciting day!! :o not. later on: alias & the practice will be on ((i hope!!!)). ooo itll be SOOOO exciting. because. ya. well, if u watch the show u'd know. :D so ya. im bored now. so im gonna go!! TTUL!!!!!!!!! -LUV- court
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[23] woot

Feeling: alive
Ya! I'm un-grounded!! *sigh* finally! it feels so good to be back on the computer!! :D lol. welllll.. whats newwwww....? **Umm, well, i went to Dairy Queen with Rita & Neha. it was so much fun!! Me & Rita split a banana split and Neha's like: i don't like bananas. and Rita sed: I'm surprised u don't like bananas, cuz u look like a monkey!! lol it was so much fun and SOOOO funny. its like a rebellious thing with Rita & Neha, but Rita's never serious. it's just funny. cuz they r friends too. sooo anyway. it was Rita's "Best Hour" because she kept coming up with these funny things. omg i was crying cuz it was so funny!! **and then Neha had to go home and we went and got Steph and we went over to Alex's house and waited for him. but he never came out!! :o lol. so anyway... we came back two days later.. to Alex's house and he came out FINALLY. anyway. while we were waiting, tho, Mike Sliz was there (( Rita's friend )) and he skateboards so Rita was trying to skateboard and she was SOOOO good!! :P lol jk. but it was funny. (( oh, and the sexy pee pee boy << lol )) << inside joke. anywayyyyyyy im pretty bored rite now. im going to Elevate soon. so i got to go gets ready! :D ttul!!! LUVVVVVVV -Court-
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[21] Update

Feeling: recalcitrant
Hey evry1!!! I know, i know, ive been writing a lot of private entries, ive just had a lotta private thoughts ;) lol. ummm... sooo... whats new... ummmmmmmmmmmm... *Well, it's Spring Break. But it's almost over :( tomorrow is Sunday which means I have to do all my homework. i would have done it today, but I have Patrick & Michael over. ummm.. omg it was so funny. me & pat & mike went over to find a car in the street and put a fake parking ticket on it. except, it sed like "this is not a real parking ticket, but if it was i would give you two. ur car takes up the space of a herd of mules, 2 elephants..." and so on. lol it was hysterical. then we went over to my neighbors house, and i absolutely despise them. we ding-dong ditched them, but i dont think they were home. but it was still pretty funny!!!!!! *Well, ive been kinda depressed lately, but whats new? i dont know, but i dont want to eat, i dont want to do anything, i just want to sit around and mope. mhmm ya. :( so sad i know lol. well, ya. *Thad has been preeeeeetty cool lately, havent ya been, Thad? lol. and julianne. its so fun to hang out with u jj and chat with u Thad. ya. *Me and Julianne and Steph and some other ppl are going to do a skit for Elevate which is pretty cool. It's just a short lil thing, but o well! ;) umm, ya.. u see, our leader person has this beard and for every 100 dollars (i think) that we raise, we get 1 vote to whether he keeps the beard or shaves it. we are raising money for elevate, just to let u know, and elevate is the REALLY REALLY cool church program!! soo... the skit basically says that we r working for strive (which is wat we call the fundraising thing. o ya, and 4 STRIVE we work 8 hours at a community and its actually pretty fun!). so, i only have 1 line and its "Prizes? Forget the prizes! That's 10 votes to have Scott shave that scraggly thing off his chin!" hehe ... ya, im Girl 5 lol mmm i dont really know what else to add. so if i think of sumthin i guess ill write it in here. luv u! xoxo courtney oxox
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[17] This Love

Listening to: This Love - Maroon 5
Feeling: alive
"This Love" I was so high I did not recognize The fire burning in her eyes The chaos that controlled my mind Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane Never to return again But always in my heart This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore I tried my best to feed her appetite Keep her cumming every night So hard to keep her satisfied Kept playing love like it was just a game Pretending to feel the same Then turn around and leave again This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore I'll fix these broken things Repair your broken wings And make sure everything's alright My pressure on your hips Sinking my fingertips Into every inch of you Cause I know that's what you want me to do This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore... i LOVEEEEEE that song, so i just thought i'd put it in here lol. i'll write a "real" entry lata. TTYL!!! xoxo courtney oxox
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[16] how fun

Feeling: lovely
Wow. another fite with my friend. except by now ive realised that my life would be much happier without her in it. it mite sound harsh, but its tru. too many bad things with her, so many fites, disagreements. and friends try to make it work, but it never will, so there is no point nemore. mhmm. ya.. i told her i didn want to be her friend, i sed i was thru with the torture. duz that sound too harsh? :/ as much as i think abt what ive sed n such, its not gonna change nething. but anywho. i just got back from vacation. i was in st. louis, MO. my gramma n grampa n aunt n uncle n cousin were all there. my grampa got his finger amputated because he cut up his hand with an electric saw.. ow :( ya, but thankfully it was his left hand (hes a righty) and it wasnt his whole finger, just half of it. ya... but my cousin, Grant, hes sooooooooo cute. i mean baby cute cuz hes, like, 1 or 2 years old. and he just walks around trying to grab stuff and my sis was jumping on the chair and he started immitating her it was pretty funny. and he was scared of the pool and he wud scream wenever Eric (my uncle) wud take him away from Bridget (my aunt). ya. well. that concludes my entry cuz im booooooooooored. :) luv yall lots ttyl!! xoxo courtney oxox
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[15] ugh

Listening to: none what*so*ever
Feeling: broken-hearted
:( today wasnt a very good day. But i guess it wasn't horrible. I had Megleo's class first and we didnt get to eat our suckers lol. but it was just kinda plain BoRiNg. So afta that, i had gym. BORING as HELL :P sorry - but it was. we played volleyball, but since we only had 1 net up, it was gay. like, 15 (or so) ppl on a side and the "popular fags" (teehee) kept goin in fronta me wen i tried to hit the ball, cuz they think so mucha themselves which i hate. then i had a spanish quiz and i had to do the spanish question things and i think she marked me off 4 pronouncing "Indepdencia" wrong (ya, me2 Julianne :0 ) and i did h/w the whole time. Then i had science, which wud normally b a fun class period, but it wasnt today. we did boring stuff i guess. idk idc. and then lunch. same old same old. i gave Kenny my pudding agn. lol. and torri n jj were saying stuff "behind my back" literally, and, like, i was right there. and it ticks me off. SO MUCH. but they dont get it, they never will, they never understood me. never will. But o well!!! umm, music. we watched more of that "ammadseus" movie. and did the worksheet. eww that guy is trying to kill Mozart lol. then math. o great. I did really well on my math test, tho. and i did well on the star math test. ---- can i just get something out: +i hate it wen ppl (like my friends mostly) make fun o' me for being "So stupid" and stuff. cuz, like, it dusnt make ne1 feel good, dus it??? so please dont do that to me, if ur reading this. i think u kno hu u r :/ like, its ok if u do that and then r like JKJKJK idc. but, like, now i always feel stupid, i have no more self-confidence cuz of everything my friends have sed to me. idk. nvm i guess. no1 cares. ---- i want to write something in here 4 every1 to see, but i cant, cuz ppl are just going to tell me not to do it and then they will 4get the next day, or pretend they forget. idk. *sigh* im going to St. Louis, MO, tho. i guess thatll be fun.......... idk. xoxo courtney (corney lol) oxox
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[14] Bored

Feeling: bored
I'm so bored. I've never been so bored in all my life. Ppptttthhhh. Well, yesterday was fun. Me and Julianne (+ her mom 'n' bro) went to this golfing place called Putting Edge. It was pretty fun cuz Julianne was goin all crazy the second 'game' we played lol. oh, and... STACY'S MOM HAS GOT IT GOIN ON!!! lol Julianne. The lil kids!!! they knew the song!!! lol. that was weird. o and tell ur mom thanx 4 the game n pop (if u read this, that is)!!! that was reallyyyy fun & funny. haha.. i listen to the radio a lot, Julianne, thats how i knew all da songs!! :P wow. ya. fun. And me and my fam. ate pizza 4 dinner. and then my dad made "the best popcorn ever" (his popcorn lol, but it is the best :P)!! oh and he bought me cany :P im spoiled lol. But that was because me & my dad were gonna watch a movie: Shanghi Nights (gud movie). yaaaaaaaa.... its was fun. So then I went to bed and I woke up, ate breakfast, and here i am now. BoReD bOrEd BoReD. :0 i think im gonna go shoot some hoops or sumthin'. ya. *HuGz+N+KiSsEs* XoXoXo Courtney oXoXoX
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