
The breakup occurred on Sunday and I've been okay. Not great or sadly depressed..... just okay. Maybe because I'm cold hearted. I don't know. I went to his dorm twice because he asked me to. I didn't follow myself on ignoring him. I went over and I couldn't get myself to talk to him about what's been going on. Why can't I just speak to him and let him know how I feel? It's like I can't help make a resolution of the whole situation. What is seriously wrong with me? I sometimes think I need psychological help... hell my whole family needs it. I can't explain what I've been through because it might be nothing to some of you or it might be a whole lot more of what you have experienced but I know it has made a negative impact on me. I have my parents and two older brothers and eventhough I have them I grew up alone. I have dealt with things by myself. I have kept so much inside. I am now bitter and can be such a bitch sometimes I actually surprise myself and feel terrible afterwards but I can't get myself to apologize. I have issues. So everything is still on hold because of me.
Read 11 comments
Tim and Ty are the two Beautiful Boys I am obsessed with and always talk about, haha. But as for your entry-- you were vague enough that I don't know what you're talking about, but I know what it feels like to be numb. When you grow up without talking to anyone and keeping it all in, it's easier for me anyway to just negate feelings so they go away but it's left me kind of empty inside. Which worries me.
You're not the only one like that.. although, maybe some couselling wouldn't hurt aye? You're a really nice person [: But even the best fall down sometimes..
Lol, yeah, wrists are sore as crap though..
We're twins, we're both 15, but our birthday is in June
hey whats up. I definatley get what your going through. And i see so much of me where your coming from it's scary.I hate that your going through that and i hope things get better..the only reason i seek help is because i couldnt live like i was anymore and right now im not who i used to be or want to be. I just want that back. I hope you decide whats best for you soon..stop by anytime and if you need more email me
Hey. Thanks for the comment. Hows everything going with the boyfriend? Hope things are getting better =) and remember, if its on hold 'coz of you, then its fine, it affects your life too. And no matter what happens, you have to put yourself first in Love, coz at the end of the say, its your heart you're putting out there...
I agree with the madam below that you have to put yourself first because it's your heart out there. One perhaps shouldn't blame themselves too much as we all make mistakes. Like I said to you before, Love is not selfish, it is understanding and always in the best interests of the other person.

I imagine your situation is more than what a comment in an entry would resolve, but if you can happily say you've put his interests before yours..
..then the next question comes.. is he putting your interests before his. Does he not trust you enough to allow you to keep that part of yourself locked up. It's not your fault you are like that. True love does not question, but only understands. Anyways.. bit of a brief comment as one has alot of studying to do right now :-(, and yes, I will bear in mind to smile next time when such might occur :-) ..and you are hispanic right? where from?
..may I ask? I am half latin american or Belizean from Belize! :-) ..from my moms side!!

Keep Cheerful and smile always :-)
sounds like still kind of in shock? why did you guys break up?
Everyone handles it in a different way. Its natural to close up, i know i have. It'll get easier, trust me.