Pretty Op

Listening to: You Found Me-The Fray
Feeling: chipper
It's fun how when you look at the small things, rather than everything as a whole, the world isn't all that crappy. There was this dog in the backseat of a car who kept barking at the other drivers. His breath was fogging up the window. Pure. Bliss.
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Ripe Stars

Listening to: Moon-Sia
Feeling: hip
Dallas Frost. It's the name of the 2nd main character in my attempted Western/Sci-fi novel. I can't change the name "Dallas" because, well, I like it. And he's named after Lane (?) Frost, so the last name has a special little meaning because he's a cowboy. But apparently, it doesn't SOUND nice enough. It doesn't ROLL off the tongue. Any suggestions? But I will not, I repeat, will NOT change Johnny Cayhill's name. Say it with a southern accent. Perfect? Yes. And I'm set with Anne Cooper/Reagan Commagere. I just need a name for an epic empress thing. And a Western town without the word "City" in it. Tie-dye party = tie-die party. So not down. Especially with my white Birdlace shirt.
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Southern Drawl

Feeling: eccentric
Sold: Inara George's "An Invitation" Bought: The Virgin Suicides Soundtrack (used), We Are Scientists' "With Love and Squalor" (used, I still like "BTM" more, super 80s), Sia's "Colour the Small One" (I'll probably sell it back, too dreary) Victoria surprised me after church with Stand By Me. She's been meaning to let me borrow it, but we just never see each other. I flipped out, as would be expected. I did my cat dance and everything--no, I cannot describe my cat dance, that'd be impossible. Anyway. Stand By Me equals excitement because--River Phoenix, of course--AMC always plays it, but it's always the edited version. So they cut off the end of the best line (ever). "It's like God gave you something, man; all those stories you can make up. And He said, 'This is what we got for ya, kid. Try not to lose it.' But kids lose everything unless someone looks out for them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should." I guess they don't want fifteen year old boys saying "fuck" on TV. Even if they're dead. And they cut off Gordie's, "Suck my fat one, you cheap dime store hood." Then it's all choppy when Chris suddenly laughs. What the heck, AMC? What the heck? Atleast they kept the leaches in.
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Feeling: schizophrenic
I hate starting over. I hate new pieces of paper, I hate new blogs, I hate new classes and new schedules and new people. I'm just bad with starting over, reinventing myself and all that. Which is weird considering that's all I want to do. Because I don't know who I am--however awfully cliche that sounds, it's true. So, whatever; here I am. Hi, I'm Indy--as in Indiana. That's not my name, but that's what you can call me. I'm nineteen years old and I've been living in the same town in California for, in less than two weeks, two decades. I won't get into that now because this is a blog introduction, not an autobiography. I think the most important thing I can tell you is that I'm a writer. I have more novels started than I could count on my fingers and toes. I have a dozen or so short stories. My biggest focus currently is Red Riding Hood--girl gets stuck in twisted fairy tale world, mix Narnia and Grimm. I'm in the first--of many--revision process, and I'm hoping to get it published...eventually. I will die happy if it gets turned into a movie--because it was originally a screenplay. I have no major at my pathetic community college, so I need fame. Need it. I'm a hopeless romantic. And will always be disappointed. I want to fall in love like a car crash. I want desperately to have a reason to get an epic Halloween costume. I'm a Christian, but I won't shove God down your throat and I don't have the same opinions as every other religious person. I'm a movie watcher. I love the magic of films, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For serious. There are very few movies that I didn't enjoy: Garden State, A Clockwork Orange (they did an amazing job, it was just...unpleasant), Le Mans, Forrest Gump--oh blah blah, shoot me. I procrastinate, therefore, I have chronic late fees at the library. I'm obsessed with River Phoenix. I name everything. I have a zine. I love deviled eggs and We Are Scientists. And I hope this friendship of ours will stand the tests of time and everything. Cheers. -Indy
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