
The ABC's of School: [A]mount of hours spent at school daily: um, 7:30- 2:45... do the math. [B]etter get up at this time in the morning, or i wont be ready: 5:15 [C]oolest class: 2nd block w/ Keister (Harvey) in School Store [D]umbest class: Geometry for sure. (but the people are cool) [E]verything always goes wrong in this class: haha math, once again. [F]avorite day of the school week: uh, friday. duh. =p [G]reatest school year (ex. Kindergarten, 7th grade, etc.): 7th grade was pretty fun, but so was last year. [H]ottest guy at school: hmm... ;) [I] am always bored in this class: mathhh [J]umping for joy when this class comes around: FLex/Lunch [K]ill me now when this class comes around: M.A.T.H! [L]oves this class, but not the teacher: none, my teachers are awesome this year. [M]eanest teacher: in cedar cliff? i`d say zrncic for sure. i hate that man. >=( [N]icest teacher: keister (harvey) [P]raise the Lord, it's time to go home, which is what time?: 2:45 [Q]uiet, or this teacher will give you detention: probably Felty? [R]ejoicing on the last day of school, which is what day?: June 14th [S]eeing this friend at school is the best: oh, theres a ton. love em allll. xo [T]orture me when this person is walking down the hallways: um, no comment. hahaa [U]nless I don't get homework from this teacher, my life sucks: Alioth [V]ery best teacher: keister (now since shes married, mrs. harvey) [W]eirdest teacher or weirdest subject: Mrs. Bowerman is a wackjob. [X]'s & O's, this is the class where it's so boring, you play tic-tac-toe to waste time: english [Y]our most exciting class of the day: Flex and Lunch without a doubt. [Z]its & pimples; tell the truth...are you a loser at school?: yes. no im jk. ew.
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