sadness and then a hampster

Ah, when you think about it words hurt more than a slap across the face. Today at school the girl who usually upsets me even though she doesn't seem to relize it said I looked like a nerd. The wierd thing about her is that she can be my friend at times also. Well also today we changed back into our usual seats (to bad i wanted to sit next to angie and andrew), Rebecca is gonna be ok and back from her surgery soon (i saw her on my way to the bus today) and oh yeah hilary and andrew broke up and now andrew is with sarita and hilary with alfred, luis is still with katie (they are all going to go on a triple date). i wish i had a boyfriend right now. So I bet u r wondering why I'm overjoyed then. well my little brother got about $100 in birthday money and (with a little help from me) he "suddenly" liked hamjpsters. So we begged mom ands she finnally let usd get one!!! i love hampsters! but the woman at the store said we cant take him out until Friday so he can get settled into his new home. Oh and yesterday I hit hit jackpot on candy and my older brother put up his usual fit so we went with Bobby and Jon, who kept taking "detuers" due to a group of girls thery were chasing. Well,g2g.
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