why do people change?

Feeling: blind
i think ive finally hit rock bottom. my bestfriend has changed.i dont like it,i try to go along with it but its not me.i feel hopeless. why are drugs and stuff so cool? They make you feel good for the moment but,mess you up later. im falling to pieces. She cant live this lifestyle its not good.is it ok to die? *jess*
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yeah....no. you guys are...uhh...great.

aww :( dont die, thats not cool.

i know what its like when friends change, trust me, ive just lost a best friend to change...but dwelling on it won't help.

i take it your friend is getting really into drugs?

thats not good :/ and i know its probly hard to see her doing that...but whatever you do, dont let yourself be pulled in too...
I love love love your background!
best thing you can do right now is try and show her how awesome your life is, and what shes missing out on by doing drugs... i know it sounds kinda lame, but thats all i know to tell you...whatever you do though, dont let yourslef be pulled into it...ok?

sorry if that makes no sense...i do that sometimes, lol.

thanks for the compliment by the way, i like your diary too!
need icons? come to my diary!! :)
hey. i am on the laptop upstairs and i can actually see your background and stuff. it's awesome!

People change all the time. My best friend all through highschool is totally not the same girl i knew back then. You'll make other friends especially if you go to college. Stay strong.