
I pretty much worked that all out. Met a girl, doing great! (: The End
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In case it's been forgotten, my name is Sean and I have the worst luck possible with women. I'm well into my Freshman year of college and haven't had a relationship since 2004. It isn't unfair; people have seen worse circumstances. I just want something solid. For once.
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One day I'll look back and kick myself for not making more of these days. That aside, this is the best summer in my memory.
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Song Five

Song Five (A Work in Progress) There’s a girl that I met That I’ll never forget, And she loves when I play my guitar. She says I sound just like Other bands that she likes And she calls me her little rock star. She stands over my shoulder When I write my songs, Always saying she likes what she sees, And she knows every verse, Memorizes the words, Knows my melodies better than me. She says “This is love,” And I thought it was, As I signed her copy Of my old B-Sides. Too late I realize She’s only fallen for song five. There’s too much motion in my life. Love is spoken in white lies. I cleaned, I cooked dinner, Set up, prepared flowers; The loveliest evening A romance has seen. I turned down the lights, I poured wine, I lit candles. She said, “Can’t you just Name a song after me?” Too late I realize All she ever really loved was song five. There's too much motion in my life. Love is spoken in white lies. There’s a girl that I met That I’ll never forget, Though I’m sure that to her I am dead, And she’s well on her way, Touring all the states, Making love to more-musical men, I bet I’ll look back, With each sorrowful track, On her ungrateful heart full of lead, Knowing well that she's gone, But I’ll always live on As a tune that gets stuck in her head.
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Middle of Somewhere

I'm 3 weeks into my Kentucky vacation, with 3 weeks left to go. Time for an update, non? We got my sister married. I wrote and performed all of the music in the ceremony, and it turned out very nicely, if a little sweaty in the ridiculous heat. New York City was amazing. I stayed for an extra 4 days after everybody left and saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, one of the defining moments of my life up to this point. I could have used an extra 10 hours or so in the Metropolitan Museum, but what I saw was quite fantastic. New York is big. Porn is numerous. Food is expensive. I've been waterskiing around the clock, and consequently am incredibly sore around the clock. I bought Reno 911 season 2 to watch during the off-hours. My ex girlfriend got married recently. If I were religious, I'd thank God it wasn't me, but I'm not, so I'm going to thank hot Arizona girls for diverting my attention. I get back July 12. Let's start making plans now, shall we?
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To those in the class of 2005 who read this, It is so often overlooked- and, when not, understated- that in the moments leading up to the end of these years we've been told are the best of our lives, and for long after, we are still young. To look back on the four years I at first detested, then tolerated, then eventually grew to love, is a difficult task not in that I'll miss the memories I made, but the people I made them with. Be well, 2005, and be young. To give that up is to give up everything.
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Dancing While The Music Lasts

Listening to: John Mayer - 3x5
Prom did the talking itself, and to put it to words here would be useless. Suffice to say it's surreal no matter who you are or how you look at it; something you look forward to before, and then back on forever afterwards. Now we've got the senior breakfast left, and soon enough, graduation. I chose Tucson to get away from everything, only to realize that at the bottom of my heart, I don't want to. To make things worse, I noticed today I have less than three weeks left here before I venture to Kentucky to spend the first two months of my adult life in isolation. Summer 2005 is a sorry thought, indeed. Sorry to end on that note, but I have rehearsal for the Spring Concert. Things will get better, even if they have to do so later.
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This Post Is Unusually Long

Listening to: Radiohead - I Will
Feeling: groggy
Sorry I post so many song lyrics disguised as interesting journal entries, but this site conveniently doubles as a Sean Bulletin Board. As such, consider yourself free to remind me of important information which, without a reminder, I may forget. A good example is a hair cut, which I don't normally acquire anymore, but will need to do again before prom in order to look both handsome and charming for the occasion. A tuxedo also serves this purpose, but I've already aquired that, so consider it stricken from the bulletin board's list of requisite pre-prom activities. The majority seems to be checked off. Let's review... -Figure out if I'm going...indeed, i am (check!) -Find a hot date (check!) -Get tickets (check!) -Find an intelligent-looking tux with an iPod-Blue jacket (check!) ...It's a rather short list, for the moment. Rambling aside, it's time to continue my reading. I haven't sat down with a new book in a couple years, and what better place to start than The Da Vinci Code? It's every bit as engrossing as I've been told. I've always wanted to learn to write in narrative style, as opposed to my own, which is tantamount in ways to percussive rambling. Not a bad piece to study, I'm sure. Aaaaanyway, if you've made it this far in this post, I salute you, because I barely have. I'll leave you with a quote from the late Mitch Hedberg, a hero of mine who recently passed away. Never underestimate a good laugh. "I moved into a new apartment, but I guess that it's a bad neighborhood because last night I heard a gunshot, then saw 2 guys run past the window. I was going to call the cops and then I just got optimistic and thought, maybe they were having a race. 'Whats the new neighborhood like?' 'It's okay, but they do have a lot of late night track and field events though.'"
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Symmetry (A Bridge in One Sentence)

Listening to: U2 - Exit
It stood as though by chance, By dumb luck rather than design, To close the gap between the old, abandoned mill And the old, abandoned road, Rocking back and forth with each step, Turning 'Left, right, left, right' into a state of mind, More than just the words I told myself To keep from crying, Back when a 10-foot fall into the river Was a 10-mile venture to the bottom of the world, And to be a man meant crossing, And time meant only sleeping and waking between.
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Requiem Aeternam

Work is again difficult to manage alongside school, and the circumstances (among them 3 classes I'm nearly failing) will necessitate a weekend-only work schedule. I hope I can still make money. In other irrelevant news, I had my hair cut today. The barber was not shy about the fact that she very recently cut off part of her finger during a haircut, was as a result very nervous, and that I should hold extremely still- perhaps the most awkward moment in the history of hair maintenance. I'm about done with homework. Hot tubbing will follow. These posts are stupid
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Just when I thought I'd never have to pick up a guitar for Mrs. Tutnick again, there is an assembly on Friday and I have roughly a day (and not the slightest motivation) to work on Bohemian Rhapsody. With almost no notice, she's scheduled a rehearsal tomorrow morning at 7 AM. This is the worst I've felt in weeks. Nap time seems to be the best course of action at this point. On the bright side, prom is on the way. Will definitely be fun! Too tired, must nap...
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Maybe Stephen Hamuda would not have been proud, had he been there to see it himself, but I think I was. Bohemian Rhapsody was a trial, but I'm glad to have taken on the challenge. Saturday saw the end of Century of Song, and the beginning of Spring Break. I plan on working a good portion of it, but we'll see. I can't think of any more to write, so
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A Poem About a Fever

Listening to: G. Love - Kick Drum
Feeling: feverish
The beginning of an incomplete poem...I'm sick, so I'm writing about a fever. Fever The mirror must be broken again, I'm thinking, Cause here I am smiling, and that Same Damn Blank expression stares back. Bed is my new home, Has been so for three days, And makes no promises of sleep, Not even of comfort. Just me and the covers, Alone, just never completely. I've never felt afraid talking to myself, But the conversation, Between various odd topics, Polite distractions, And the not-so-polite ones, Unfailingly addresses the tireless question of What's in the mirror. More like "What's left there?" And on And on And on And on goes the world
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Senior Paper

Everyone seems to have posted parts of their senior research paper here, and I want in. It may seem like an odd topic, but I think it's important. Sooo, in case you're interested..... Perspectives in Perspective: Emergency Contraception In a society plagued by indecision, the outstanding issue of what is right or wrong regarding women’s rights to birth control has become an outright battle. As the ever-prevalent outcries echo in support of one side’s viewpoint or another’s, an increasingly uninformed American public has brought to the table the superfluous matters of religion and moral standards that have and will likely always complicate what is, in essence, a very simple question: How much control should women have in securing and using effective methods of contraception? Given that, according to an article in Mother Jones magazine, half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintentional (Mooney), this question can be reasonably answered, “More.” Taking precedence in the viable options for pregnancy prevention is the oral contraceptive known as emergency contraception. Said to drastically reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex (Uhlenhuth), this contraceptive has proven itself a powerful tool for preventing the spate of undesired pregnancies that occur every year, not only in the U.S., but around the world. As it would happen, however, emergency contraception has fought a hard battle to be available to anyone in need. Activists, afraid that the prophylactic promotes sexual promiscuity, have worked to keep emergency contraception prescription-only, either overlooking or ignoring the statistics and the overall best interests of women as a whole. Because it has prevented millions of pregnancies worldwide, emergency contraception should be permanently available over-the-counter. While there is no disputing its usefulness, it is easy to pass off emergency contraception as a form of abortion and move forward. Some insight, however, proves otherwise.
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I'm going to see Bright Eyes tomorrow night, an accomplishment I don't think is a big deal now but probably will be when Conor Oberst dies in a couple years from an overdose. It's a shame, but probably true. He's very likely the best poet alive, and his ability to tie melody to words has played an enormous role in shaping my own music over the years. I'm rewriting my album to stay with the times. I'm going to take it one song at a time so I actually finish something. Wish me luck.. Life is good. Could be better, but it's good. I'll take that.
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I Support Useless Posts

It's been a bad day, but I'm in a good mood. I think more people need to get on MySpace. It's cool. My profile is here. Actually, now that I think about it, most of the people on here are on there too. Alright!
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What I've Learned In 18 Years

Do the right thing without letting the whole world know. Don't let girls get you down. There are more girls. Get B's. Love, and do it without saying 'I love you'.
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