anthony is here

Listening to: none
Feeling: bubbly
Evvan called last night. Safari didnt. A friend I thought was really mad at me called me last night too(anthony). a little later than ide wish but i definantly appreciated. in fact all of my friends that hadnt had a chance to talk to me called me last night past the hour of 12, when everybody should know this nerd is trying to get her sleep for the exams. Im glad they did, i was tired of laying in bed pretending to be sleeping so that my body would follow the lead and play the part. it was a weird convo with Evvan, not all lovey dovey and stuff like it usually is. not at all. this time we talked to each other as friends. or maybe as goofballs who just want to see all the latest movies with each other. maybe last night i was still suffering from a cold heart, i was even being mean to one of my bestest friends in the not neccesarily mean...just making him do what he wants to do instead of backing out because he's scared or whatever, and i told him dont talk to me until he did. because he is a good friend he did. (giggles uncontrolable) lucky for me too. jeez ive missed Anthony. the last time i saw him i was mean to him because i was in a bad mood, and then he left. for college to s. carolina and georgia. I thought jeez ill never get to explain. fortunatly b/c i realize that i am not going to study b/c i hate it and i try hard all the time we decided to devote our day to each other today. its weird almost a date. and then me and Evvan. well we've agreed that i have to give him three nights of going to see movies b/c i was really dificult with him last night and the night before when he stood me up. okay okay lol i love my boyfriend to death, but i have to keep myself in control so when its over i wont be too out of wack. i know im looking at this totally wrong. expecting it to be over, lookin for other fine specimens, and just you know cheating to stay incontrol of my feelings or at least try. i think anthony wants to date. i mean after all we became friends b/c i was too smart and peeped his game when he wanted to talk to me the first time. well anyways this is far too much writing to keep talkin so ill write a newer entry at home or something. and start to study for this chemistry.
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