holy crap

Feeling: asleep
It's been a long long time since i've paid attention to this thing. a lot has changed in the past two years. I'm engaged, now! to a gal named danyelle. She is the most incredible gal on earth and i'm damn lucky to have her. i don't live in columbia anymore. i'm back up in greenville, so the weather is much nicer. things are going pretty well for me.. i honestly miss all of my friends, and i tend to get lonely every once in a while. but for the most part things are great and i'm happy.
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Feeling: amused
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dare i say chill out?

Listening to: Kings of leon
Feeling: agitated
well, in that last entry, i managed to make an ememy... kayla now hates me. granted, things are still kinda weird b/c we used to date, so of course she doesn't want to hear about any girl in my life. she also didnt really like the comment about her chest, so i guess i'm in deep. it wasn't meant to upset her, but i guess she's still sore over us breaking up. well, screw it all. i like amanda. amanda likes me. kayla hates me. at least one thing is going well for me. peace out. kill yourself. ashton
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for michael battle

yeah, so, this entry is just for Battle. he said i need to keep it up and write. i've been neglecting the computer and using paper and ink instead of virtual letters and punctuations. sorry. well, life is grand. my real dad has triumphantly come back into my life, after 19 years of not being there at all. he's way cool. i have 2 sisters i didn't know about. one is a half sister, and the other a step sister. both are quite cool. his interruption of my life has actually turned out to be a void filling event. i've needed this for a long time. hopefully things will finally start falling into place and going right for once. well, love life. Amanda. she's pretty dang awesome. nothing shy of perfection. very sarcastic. painfully sarcastic. makes me feel very small and inadequate at times. but, when she does, even for a second, let her feelings for me show... when she kisses me, when she lays beside me, when i wake up next to her and see her looking at me... ahhh. kill me now. i'd die happy. right now, she's sitting on her futon. right behing me. drinking coffee. flipping channels more than men do. evrything about her is what i dream of. haha.. and here's a little crack on kayla dang evett... amanda doesn't have HUUUGE friggin boobs. haha. i hate huge boobs. sorry kayla girl. well. enough of this rambling. it must end here. there is a vacant spot on the futon by amanda. it's calling my name. ahh. buh bye. - kill yourself, .Ashton Ryne Craig-Parlier.
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well, this is just to say hey to my folk in anderson. i miss them, and they miss me. kayla,sarock, amber, L , starnes. and scott. he's way cool, even tho he put me on trespass notice. gah. anyways. i love you guys. i hope you all read this. and kayla, what do you mean u fixed things at anderson. explain..... go ahead, explain.... peace out. Ashton Ryne Craig-Parlier
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so, so

Listening to: interpole
Feeling: nutty
yeah, so i'm just alive today. not feeling anything special. i guess Abi and i are totally over. she doesn't call. i guess she doesn't care. it's hard to know how to take it when someone just doesn't care enough to call. or let you know what's going on. she said she loved me. it was only 2 weeks. then she left. makes no sense. she said i scare her. i'm "too perfect". too "dreamy". i just fucking don't get it. maybe i should just be a man whore. just do it all the time. yeah, that's an idea. never a lonely night. never wondering if they like you. just rail them. make them scream. then sleep. then say bye in the morning. where do i sign up? actually, i'm weird. i need the company. i want the relationship. i want the love. i want to love. to be loved. the hugs. the kisses. the butterflies. give it to me. tie me down. i want to only have one girl. mine. all mine. to spoil. i want to make her feel pretty. beautiful. gorgeous. perfect. wanted. all of these things. i want to give them to her. not Abi, but to someone who loves me in return. not just says i love you, but the kind of love where you can see it in their eyes. the way they look at you. they stare, but it's innocent. give me that. i want everlasting. i want forever. no worries. just love.
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nice day, dummie

Listening to: cradle of filth
Feeling: feisty
well, last night was my first official night in my new place. it felt very very good. Abi is still being so weird. she tells me she's scared. i hate it. she will go for days without talking to me or even answering my calls. then she shows up out of nowhere and thinks it all ok. it's very confusing. i hate it. i bought some candles for my room. an asssss load of candles. all are apple cinn. scented. real dark red. kinda sexy. hopefully my candles will win the ladies over. haha. bought banana flavored moon pies too. wow. i love them. well, nice random entry. eating crunch berries. i think my life just might go on pretty well. good night. until we meet again, Ashton R. Craig-Parlier
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try try try again

Feeling: wrong
you may be asking why i chose wounded for this one. don't worry, it's nothing bad. it's a girl. but only, this time there is no heartbreak to speak of. only confusion. she's having second thoughts. doubting that i am truly as good as i seem. it hurts me. she doesn't trust. she's been hurt too many times before.why are there so many idiots out there who treat women like crap. where do they get off thinking they own the world. assholes. you're ruining more relationships than you think. if you hit a girl, you're no better than any terrorist or murderer. how selfish can one person be, to make another person live in such fear that it affects them and all who surround them, for ages. i love her heart, and her thoughts, and her eyes, and the way she looks at me. i love her pain and her anguish. i want it to be mine, just so she has no worries. just so she can love me. that's all i want. i don't want a past relationship to control the one i'm in now. it shouldn't work that way. yes, we should learn from past mistakes, and accomplishments. but you should never be put through something that will control you for years. i guess, in the end, what i'm really trying to say is; guys, think twice before you take your anger and self pity and lack of respect for yourself, out on the beautiful women God has put on this earth with us. you need to love them unconditionally, and treat them like angels and queens. because if not, you're destroying many lives, including your own. you'll get trapped in a cycle of abuse and loneliness. so, good luck, and look out. it will come back to haunt you, and you'll be lucky if i'm not the one doing the haunting. well, enough of my rambling and throwing such angry words on this poor screen. i'm sorry. eat sleep die, Ashton R. Craig-Parlier
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Feeling: aggravated
i'm sooo pissed. i keep writing these amazingly long entries, and this damn journal won't post them. makes me wanna say the most horrible things i can think of. gah. love, Ashton
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Listening to: pink floyd
Feeling: abandoned
well, it's been forever. my lady and i broke up a while back. UUMMM... i met a new girl recently. she already broke my heart. my boy michael introduced me to a julia styles look alike the other night. she likes me. what a relief. i thought i was doing something wrong to have lost so much so fast. guess i was just in a stage of transition. things change and things change. perfect description of life- given by the band luti-kriss (now norma jean) well, hate to be so down on life, but it's not a whole lot of fun right now. i need to get things in order, and find what i'm to do with life. until then, fare well. and good bye. Ashton Ryne Craig-Parlier.
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long time

Listening to: muse
Feeling: wishful
wooo. it's been a while... i'm sorry... props to shandi for checking out my bands site... u rock.. well, same as always, my girl is amazing, and sooo sexy..i love her more than anyone could understand... school is boring... my car is still working... fun fun fun fun.... peace -love Ashton
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Feeling: ecstatic
gosh life is soooo good!!!! the V.W. is sooo back on tha road.. woot woot. and my girlfriend is... wow..wow..wow..wow.. ok, she's amazing. so, everyone needs to check out my bands site. withregrets.tripod.com i'm also involved in a side project called Princton and Providence. we don't have a site quite yet, but it's very fun. check all this stuff out, and let me know what u thing... peace. -Ashton Ryne Craig-Parlier
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Listening to: blah
Feeling: frumpy
what the frick does frumpy mean.... check ya later... vw is still broken... folks are retards, and work is fun... paul likes it in the butt, but only from me... and my girlfriend likes chicken ---ashton
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Listening to: none
Feeling: active
well, it's 5 till six in the morning, i just got in from a wonderful evening with friends... we went to the lovely waffle house, and then to walmart we stayed in the parking ot from 3 to 5:30... what can i say, we somehow found something to do.. we had a little 80's dance party, good stuff... well, i'm spazzy, so i'm gonna find some way to waste energy.. peace.
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Feeling: nervous
yeah, so, sometimes i have absolutely nothing to say... but it is kinda fun to ramble, or just type until something intelligent comes out... which very rarely happens, b/c i think i may be lacking in the smarts department.. but anywho... i still dunno what the heck i'm gonna do about that ticket... but i do know that my band has a show on the 18th, and we're gonna rock out... we're filming for a live dvd as well.. should be fantastic... check us out if ur in the area... check out our pure volume site also... purevolume.com/withregrets
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Feeling: decent
yeah, so... not much happening in the life of Ashton Ryne Craig-parlier... just been hangin out. one thing that does suck so bad is, that i have to have $220 by the 18th.. for a speeding ticket.. i dunno what i'm gonna do.. i have no money, and i can't borrow any from anybody... boo... well, we'll see what happens.. haha... well, someone leave me some love!
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