Its been a long time

wow it has been pointed out to me that this page has been horribly neglected and is thus very sad. So i thought i should write in it to try and cheer it up a bit. *joy* uh anyway i'm looking forward to wellington on thursday, it promises to be full of fun and excitement. umm man i suck at this dairy thing. errr lots of stuff has happened in the past 3 months: i've been on holiday, i've been tramping, i've been injured, i've become a christian, i've realised i have no idea what i want to do with my life, i've laughed, i've cried, worked and slept and now i've run out of stuff to say
Read 3 comments
just thought i wud say hi since we are the only 2 people online. argh nooo fire alarm...byexx
greetings, i came to infiltrate your comment section. yarharahrhrhrhrytysdyfygtygysgd
awww...friends indeed, see youre on my friends sidebar now, special john!