
Quote of the Day "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -Mahatma Gandhi-
Well. Today was kinda a bummer. Me, my mom, my sister, and my two brothers were supposed to go up to the mousnow today. After spending FOREVER at the laundy matt, we went home and got ready to go to the snow. When we got up there though the road was still closed from the mudslide. I was looking forward to going up there too, we even had Tabatha's (my sister's) snowboard. I do have good news though in two days I am getting my car (if it passes smog). If it does I am getting my 87' Ford Mustag Convertable. It's in semi-bad shape right now but I am going to put some major $$$ into it. No school for the next 2 days!
Read 3 comments
wow. that quote is strong.
i believe that right away.

but wait.
i forgive ppl easily.
does that make me strong?

i wouldnt think it would
so i dunno
cool :)

whoa. no way.
thas awesome :)

i cant wait to be at 100 lol
i*ll throw myself a party :)

Yeah, we should hang out!!!!!!!!!

Like tomorrow! At cynergy!
Or something
Youre always welcome
