(6) It never ends.

I didn't talk to Brett for a long time after that. I simply went on as if I had never spoken to him, attempting to forget during the day, and remembering during the night. Unfourtunatly. This was the beginning of a very long story. My friends and I, Christine, Nicole, Sasha, Fran, and Cheyenne were fairly normal. Occasionally we'd have these problems which revolved around a "C" in English or the pains of being in an all girls school; how sometimes we wanted to break free and run to boys. Or how we loved our school, despite all the females. We could eat as much as we want, we always pantsed each other, never wore makeup. Who gave a fuck? It was all stupid shit. Like Laguna Beach and how guys can trick you into having sex with them. Luckily, we never fell into these problems. You could say I fell into worse. Bluntly, I was the fuck-up. The one with the slightly lower grade-point average, the only one that ever had more than one "real" boyfriend (which ended very badly). I was always the one that never opened up in fear of getting hurt; who never trusted anyone, particularily boys. If I ever opened up, (which is a rare sight) to someone other than my closest friends, it is because I convince myself these people are different; different than Dillan. These "different people" have always ended up kicking me hard in the ass to the point where I am emotionally numb. Nobody could hurt me anymore if they tried. And they tried. They still do. I was the one that guys called "hot," not "beautiful." I'm the one that gets mad easily, I'm the one you can ignore. I was the one that fell into all the bad shit. The terrible, horrible, most frightening SHIT this world can possibly ever fall into. And I was the one who fell into this. It's always me. And it always sucks. To say the least. Anyways. Try to imagine the most frightening thing that can happen in the world. It may be as abnormal as possible. Because that was what this was; abnormal and unnatural. I kept my distance from Brett, but unfourtunatly, we have this strange bond that I figured out. Even when I don't talk to him, nor hear anything about him, I can actually feel how he feels. I think it's because his feelings are so strong, they come to me. This feeling came again. I walked over to Taylor. It was a sunny day in Winter, sometime after Christmas. Taylor was looking awfully unusual these past days, but I figured she was going through a tough time. I knew the reality of it though, anything that was happening abnormally/scarily/insanely... Taylor knew. Taylor always had something to do with it. She was the highly insightful one, the one you could never truly understand, you could never figure her out. So, she must've known what was going on with Brett. I asked her. "Lara, I can't tell you." Usually, she never was this serious. I replied by telling her that Brett told me some of the story. She sighed deeply and went into a dumb story about how her dreams and that she sees vampires in them and that it was all true. That vampires existed or something. Oh, and she added she was a vampire slayer. Yeah, okay. Bullshit. I really, really don't know why I believed her. I guess it was the tone of her voice. Plus, I've known her for three years. Taylor was no one to lie about these things. Fran was with me through everything that Taylor ever told me. Everything I knew, Fran knew. At times I believed she knows me better than I know myself. Which doesn't make any sense because I just said that everything I knew, Fran knew, and if she knows something about me, that I don't, then that doesn't make sense. But nothing makes sense when we're dealing with "vampires." I mean, this is Earth, I'm talking about, not Buffy the Fuckin Vampire Bitch Slayer. We lived in a world where everyone is concerened about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I think that if vampires existed, someone would say something, right? Wrong. Stories were told throughout the days about the weird encounters Taylor had with vampires. Maya, she was the new one. I met her in the beginning of the year and she seemed pretty normal. She was a model, with long brown hair and sixteen pounds of eyeliner. Normal, and gorgeous. She was the one that got... injured... the most. I guess, you could say for now. I don't want to give any of it away, but that's the truth. I didn't really believe in any of these stories. Well, I did. But I never understood it. Over time, I felt myself grow distant from my other friends. My normal friends. I missed them, but these stories... I was so dumb to get into it in the first place, that I couldn't bring myself out. I stupidly believed in everything that came out of Taylor and Maya's mouths. And they were telling the truth, too. They never lied to me.
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