Barack Obama's plan for change and John McCain's run for cover.

Feeling: megalomaniacal
For those of you who have not yet seen Obama's brilliant ad called 'Plan for Change' it can be found here: click text

It's a two minute ad where Obama details some of his plans to fix our economy and re-assures us that we can get through this. Required viewing for every voter. :)

Now, with the ongoing economic crisis, it appears that John McCain is running...running for the hills. I guess the revelation that Rick Davis, his campaign manager, was working for Freddy Mac (despite denials of this by the McCain camp - all lies, apparently), is really showing that the Straight Talk express is all talk. I guess it really is 'maverick' to have a campaign stuffed with lobbyists while you rail against them. I'm sure the fat cats are laughing and slapping each other on the backs every time McCain says he's going to bring real change to Washington.

McCain doesn't even have original ideas, just the ones he stole from Obama. :)

Anyway, whenever McCain is in trouble, it seems that cheap political stunts are the standard reaction. This is no different. This one kinda backfired, though. Obama stood tall and confident, assured America we can get through this: Part I: click text Part II: click text

One important point to take away from Obama's talk is that as president, McCain or Obama would have to be able to handle more than one thing at a time. There was, after all, a presidential election during the CIVIL WAR. WITH DEBATES. If Abraham Lincoln had the time to have debates during the Civil War, then John McCain has the time to have them now. By trying to duck out of them, he has shown weakness and incapability to lead. Obama is displaying reassurance and strength, the strength America needs to find its way again.

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great, great point about the civil war at the end there.

john mccain is just doing this little ditty to convince people he's least outwardly.
it seems painfully obvious to me that his agenda is to really:
-create drama
-skirt a debate because he can't echo obama & claim it was his idea when obama's right there
-deflect from addressing any truly important issues

he said he's 'going to focus on this until the crisis gets solved,' but how long might that take?
wouldn't surprise me if they postponed the election cos of this shiz. :P

anyone who falls for this really needs to stop looking at the 'gullible' print on the ceiling.