Guinevere, Quagmire, and Carin Ashley

Listening to: Fergilicious-Fergie
Feeling: queasy
Long time, no write-shaft. Since my last entry about half a year ago, life has been good. I switched my major to Computer Science so that I can get into Video Game Design, my dream job. Criminal Justice was too boring, and not enough pay. Stephanie and I are doing great, we bought a beagle-terrier mix puppy back in August. We named her Guinevere and she is the shit. Still working at Wendy's but I've applied to (and will hopefully get one) two security companies and Broome Developmental in the last two weeks. I need a better job to support school AND fun. Christmas was great.
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this site is a barren wasteland.
all the people that were here have gone on to bigger and better like myspace and facebook.
i've been here for 3 years and i feel like a meemaw.
i'm glad you have a cute dog and are doing well with stephanie. lol