
Shit is so fucked and confusing. So mama doesnt care ...oh shiut i just cut danielle on purpose and didnt notice cuz she wowuldnt shut up. Now you can say ive held a knife to her balls, anywayz, so i can be a drunk strung out on alcohol adn pills and be fucking adam long ( yes she told me she wouldnt care if it was adam) but i have a hickey on my neck from my boyfriend whom sshe has no reason at all to dislike, and im never going back over there again and all this bullshit. That makes no muthafuckin sense. Im serious. " oh we can listen to nigger songs like me so horny, an dyes you can fuck adam, but no you cant be around your boyfriend that you actually like." Im talking to kenny, have to because this is bullshit, and i cant put up wid that. She is not living my fuckin life. i cant do this bullshit, regardless of what she thinx, she is not in charge of my life.
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Hurry up and get a fuckin computer up there!!! I'm sick of reading ur same shit over and over again lol! MMFCL!
and yer asking why she's mad. if cutting danielle doesn't make yer mom mad, i'd think she'd be on drugs. or maybe yer the one on drugs?
Oh shit Bailey!!! I have been hating you so much for not being here so that I could tell you about Louie and that he is a boy! I've been wanting to talk to you soooo....fuckin bad and I juzt thought that you were happy down there and didn't care about me anymore. Daddy told me that you called like 2 times, but why didn't you leave a call back #? I mean cuz I tried ur cell but it didn't work. I fuckin HATE school!!! I don't have NOBODY to fuckin
talk to and the only people in my lunch is loosers, so I have to sit with fuckin Rod and some black guy! And Ron won't leave me tha hell alone about wanting to date me and all this shit and I fuckin hate him cuz he said something realy bad to me that I KNOW AIN'T true! And plus he's a fat, ugly, stupid fuck! Theres fuckin nobody and I'm missing you like hell!!! It's good that I got this message, because I'm changing Bailey...I need you to help me
not let that happen because I don't want to be different!!!!!!! I hate myself when I'm not with you. It's like I can't be me and I won't be me if ur not around. I go into fucking pretend mode where I don't speak at all and if I do I sound NORMAL (their normal, not mine), and I change my look. I won't wear anything that looks in anyway different than normal. I hate being this way! It's not me! I don't want Louie to know me this way! I NEED you bac
Pleaze call mem and if I don't pick up then leave a call back #! I don't wanna change! And I wanna see you so bad! God I'm as big as a cow lol! And now you can put ur hand on my stomach and feel Louie kick and I have pictures of him and everything! He's so crazy! He's even fliping the bird in one of the ultrasound pic! I miss you! Please fuckin call me!!!