Suppress it if you can.

We're living life suspiciously believing there’s no one we can trust They're dividing the population the system is destroying us profiting from this division and the line of thinking that’s been bought if equality is ever to exist we have to unlearn what weve been taught bigotry by ignorance unintended prejudice - Best feminist song ever. (aka Sexist Appeal - Aus Rotten)
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The diet didn't last very long...however, I was very careful not to get a disorder and/or go to the hospitol. I agree with you on the subject of beauty. I too am somehow drawn to raw and intricate beauty at the moment. I guess I just like the feeling it gives maybe somewhere in the world there are humans who don't actually care about the in and now..more of a timeless beauty-seeking society. I'd like to live with them. I'm babbling too.