shes BACK ! !

Feeling: unappreciated
i just got word that felicia is back!! YAY..her first day of school was today, at shaler..and im totally pumped :D.. on the other hand last night and today sucked major ass...some teacher died, mr. ruffing.. i talked to my councler and it went supposed to accomplish two things tonight: 1)get enought courage and call this person 2)talk to my mom (fuck that...thatll NEVER happen, shes part of the problem)about my depression .... she grounded me for some odd reason but i dont think i will be, shell hospital for ashley!! today was my mothers bday..we went to bravos for sucked, but i went along for her bday..bc im nice like that..shes %*..and she got surgery yesterday.. well that pretty much wraps up my week so out.peAce
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i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you