Dont Know When but a Day is Gonna Come

Listening to: Bright Eyes
Feeling: disappointed
i'm tired of stupid mind games. i'm tired of dealing with goddamn kids. i dont feel myself to be the most mature person in the world, but jesus christ people. here's a little list. 1) i'm not yours to mold 2) if things aren't exactly the way you think they should be, don't just walk away (compromise! good word if i do say so myself) 3) grow the fuck up and get out of your cockroach mentality. just cause i tried to flick on the light on the front porch you scattered to the bathroom. i just hope i dont have to take a shit anytime soon. as long as i'm making sense huh? fuck it. STOP MIND GAMES. they're useless. they prove nothing. i've never seen one work. i used to be the king of mind games. i got shot in the face for every single one of them. the only difference is sometimes i was holding the gun. "if i sold my soul for a bag of gold to you, which one of us would be the fool." i feel like i'm 13 again. can't sleep. too pissed off to even hold a guitar. i go through hell trying to talk to her on the fucking internet. my modem crashes, so i spend about half an hour in a panic trying to fix everything. i get on, and she's just fine, and happy that i'm back. sounds good to me. then MSN locks up, and she isnt' recieving any of my messages. so she threatens to leave. so my MSN decides to start working. oh boy do i look like an ass. i have to copy/paste everything i said between her messages just to prove that i wasn't fucking around. so then we just sit there and dont talk, but neither of us wants to leave because talking to eachother is so exciting apparently. so i start digging for conversation. i regretfully brought up the big R. religion has to be the worst thing in the world for any kind of relations. apparently she doesn't think we can talk anymore becuase she's a "non-denominational christian" and i'm just non-denominational. "it would never work if you disagree with what i believe in". so i tell her that i dont think she's wrong, i just dont know if it's right for me, and blah blah blah blah kiss ass blah kiss ass. "it just wouldn't work still" so i told her that it was stupid. by this time i'm realizing that if she really thinks this way i really dont think i should be getting involved with her anyways. GOLD STAR FOR SEAN!! since when does non-denominational automatically turn someone into a self righteous git, calling every christian, jew, muslim, buhdist, ect they see a complete dumbass. in fact, that's mostly why i'm non-denominational, because the denominations are even worse about it than any athiest or agnostic i've EVER met. sure i've been quite self righteous before. in fact i used to be really bad about that. i'm pretty sure that 90% of the agnostic/athiests i've met were the most laid back and accepting people i'd ever met. agh, norrow minded fucking gits. i can keep typing cause no one will read anything this long anyways. but i sure as hell will!!! no one's here to hear me bitch, so i appologize to you! fuck the bullshit fuck the bullshit fuck the bullshit. i feel i earned my way out of high school, why do i need to be shipwrecked on some rock stuck in the water rooted deep in angst. fuck the bullshit
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