
It's been forever since I've been online for any longer than just to read and check mail. Well that's going to change, I have internet again, I actually want to do massage and I quit working at Walmart 2 months ago. Money is really tight but then again when isn't it. Even with our problems I still don't think I could ever see myself with anyone else, I live with the love of my life and for that alone I can't really ask for more,and to think I only met him a year ago. If anyone needs a massage, its only $50 per hour. Ok it's 4:30 am and I'm never up this late anymore so I really don't want to ramble too much so good night everyone!
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Massages finally!!

Okay, so I know I haven't updated in forever, but I've been busy and sick and stressed. I work overnights at walmart now, we postponed the wedding until either spring or summer, we're not sure yet. I'm actually doing chair massage tomorrow from 10am-6pm at the Gaia Community's Winter Bazaar at Bannister Mall for $1 a min so if any of you actually read this before it's over then you should come and see it, just be sure to at least stop by and say hi if you're there, I'd really appreciate it. I know this was short, but I'm going to take a nap so I can sleep tonight and still be able to get up there to set up at 8:30ish in the morning, hopefully have a busy day of massages, and still make through my shift at walmart that night. Call me if you can't find me.
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Massages finally!!

Okay, so I know I haven't updated in forever, but I've been busy and sick and stressed. I work overnights at walmart now, we postponed the wedding until either spring or summer, we're not sure yet. I'm actually doing chair massage tomorrow from 10am-6pm at the Gaia Community's Winter Bazaar at Bannister Mall for $1 a min so if any of you actually read this before it's over then you should come and see it, just be sure to at least stop by and say hi if you're there, I'd really appreciate it. I know this was short, but I'm going to take a nap so I can sleep tonight and still be able to get up there to set up at 8:30ish in the morning, hopefully have a busy day of massages, and still make through my shift at walmart that night. Call me if you can't find me.
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Ten Top Trivia Tips about Uriel! If you drop Uriel from the top of the Empire State Building, she will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground!If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Uriel for the rest of the day.Uriel is 1500 years older than the pyramids!Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Uriel.Uriel has a memory span of three seconds.California is the biggest exporter of Uriel in the world.White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, because it doesn't contain Uriel.It took Uriel 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Uriel.More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Uriel!
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I have some wonderful news, I'm engaged!!! Now I don't want to hear any of that "it's too soon" or "you're rushing into things" and before anyone suggests it, no I'm not pregnant........I'm just happy. I would love it if the ENTIRE old family would join us for the ceremony on Samhain. Yes I know I'm selfish to ask for that but I at the very least would like to put a face to the names I've heard from my fiance when he talks about the past in this life. But hey if you really want you can consider showing up, not killing each other, and staying through the entire ceremony to be your wedding present to us because I know that Gabriel wants the entire family together in one place if even for a moment and I would merely like to meet everyone, I'm just assuming that at Samhain this year would be the best time to do so, without any bloodshed. I care for the family that I've known and miss the family that I've not.
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Chair Massage Each minute $1 Salt or Sugar Scrub 15 min $10 30 min $20 Herbal Body Wrap 60 min $70 With facial 60 min $85 Reflexology 15 min $20 30 min $40 Swedish massage 30 min $30 60 min $50 90 min $75 Hot Stone 60 min $85 90 min $120
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I decided it was time to finally update this since I realized I'd forgotten about it completely...Now back to typing up some of the things we had to write in my business class, even though I graduated in September. We were told to think of ourselves and everthing we see in ourselves that we don't like, want to change, we want to convince ourselves of or how we think others view us and make affirmations about them. I am important I am beautiful I am smart I am a good driver I am happy I am healthy I am a good massage therapist I am accepted for who I am I am accepted for what I am I am worthy of attention and praise I am successful I am a talented dancer I am a good performer I am powerful My life is filled with meaning My relationships are nurturing, fun, and lasting My creativity is overflowing and focused Every dollar I spend returns to me multiplied I am true to myself I trust myself I am well-organized I have the time, energy, wisdom, and money to accomplish my goals I accept myself My career is fulfilling and prosperous I communicate clearly and effectively I see the opportunities in life I control my own life My life is filled with love I love myself I AM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Makes sense

Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve What Gender Is Your Brain?
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Personal Assessment

1. Your major accomplishments: graduated 2. Your talents and abilities: singing, dancing, massage, computers, friendliness, horseback riding, writing, cooking 3. The three things you do best: dancing, computers 4. Your challenges: my overly paranoid boyfriend 5. Obstacles you have to overcome: my boyfriend, my overprotective parents 6. The three things you do least well: being visually angry at those that hurt me, patience, time management 7. Three things for which you want to be remembered: loving nature/mother, desire to help others with their problems/pain, someone who lived her life to the fullest 8. Memories you treasure the most: going on walks with my grandpa and strangely ending up at the ice cream shop every time 9. People who’ve greatly influenced you: my ex’s, Ms. Stancil (my 4th grade teacher) who showed me the fun of learning and random science problems 10. How you would like others to describe you: caring, giving, understanding, capable 11. If you only had three years to live, what would you concentrate on: a family 12. If you only had one year to live, what would you concentrate on: traveling with my boyfriend 13. Are you doing those things now? If not, why?: no, family because I’m 19, in school, unmarried, etc.; traveling because I’m in school, work, etc. 14. Three things you want to accomplish before the end of your life: see the world mostly Japan, China, Ireland, New Zealand… get married & have kids; be successful enough to live comfortably with few worries
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A new start

I'm not sure as to when I'm actually going to write in this, but I'll update when I update. Though for a while at least it'll mostly be some self actualization stuff I have to do for a class.
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