lucky 7

Listening to: Trance to Homunculus
Feeling: organized
There are 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 skittles and 7 deadly sins. Life is too short to waste them. Wrath Envy Pride Lust Gluttony Sloth Greed Gotta taste 'em all. To be truthful, JUST being HAPPY wouldn't make up for being able to feel all the other emotions. Pains part of life. Embrace things all good and bad. or whatever. What you see is what you get. And so much more.
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GOODNESS!! RACHEL YOU ARE SO RIGHT! gerr, i would try to explain something, but I'll just tell you later.
the aim thing i'm trying to get you to do, is not with your cell phone. haha. if you're on your computer and open a new im window, put my screenname as +19196070577 and then you send messages from your computer to my cell phone.... nifty :)