uhmmm idk.

hmmm well today was weird. I didnt feel so good, but went to school anyways. saw ryan and everyone else and then went to 1st period for a total of like..20 seconds?? then went to the nurse and went home. I got all dizzy and stuff. I guess I'm feeling better. Im in the christmas spirit righhttt nowwww. =D hehe. 2 months yesterdayyyy. muahhh. Im prolly just gonna go do some stufffff, then go to dance, come home, crash into bed. and pray for that snowdayy tomorrow! well i should prolly get out whats been happening lately. hawaiian dance last weekend. it was fun for the most part. I didnt think i was doing anything wrong til after. then i guess i realized it? but i guess its all worked out. hopefully. I'll do anything to make it alllll better. but whatever. this week went okay for the most partt.. 17 days till Christmassss! =D iloveyouryan. EDIITTTTT. W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R 1. pierce your nose or tongue?: nose 2. be serious or be funny?: funnyy 3. drink whole or skim milk? whole 4. die in a fire or drown? mmm neither? ------------------------------------------------------------- A R E Y O U 1. simple or complicated?: complicated 2. Gay? No 3. Hardcore? mm noppee. 4. Honest? yeah --------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU PREFER 1. flowers or angels?: flowers 2. gray or black?: grey 3. Color or Black and white photos?:mixedd. 4. lust or love?: lusstttt. 5. sunrise or sunset?: Sunrise 6. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms 7. rap or rock?: Rock 8. staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late 10. eating apples or oranges?: Apples ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU PREFER 1. being hot or cold?: Hot 2. sun or moon?: Sun 3. Winter or Fall?: Winter 4. left or right?: Right 5. having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having two best friends: 2 best friends. 6. sun or rain?: sunnnn 7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?:vanilla 8. boys or girls: Boys 9. vodka or Jack?: neither. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT YOU What time is it?: 7:51 Name?: sammmm Nickname(s): sammmerrrzz -------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DO YOU WANT Where do you want to live?: Callliii. How many kids do you want?: not sure yett. What kind of job do you want?: Don't know Do you want to get married?: yes<3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits?: twirling my hair and turning my head when i talk. it bugs people. 2. Are you double jointed?: nope 3. Can you roll your tongue?: Nope 4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: No 5. Can you cross your eyes?: mhmm. 6. Do you make your bed daily?: yeppp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOTHES, ETC 1. Which shoe goes on first?: right 2. ever thrown one at someone?: haha yepp. 3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: usually all i have. 4. What jewelry do you wear?: all. -------------------------------------------------------------- F O O D 1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: cuuttt. 2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: Eww no 3. Favorite ice cream flavor? cookie dough 4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 2 5. What's your favorite beverage?: sprite 6. What's your favorite restaurant?: Nandos ------------------------------------------------------------- GROOMING 1. How do you wear your hair for the most part? uppp, messy bun. 2.Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? nopee, not til xmas 3.Do you shower daily? Duh --------------------------------------------------------------------- MANNERS 1. Do you swear?: yep 2. Do you ever spit: haha i wonnn. 3. You cook your own food: Yup 4. You do your own chores?: Yeah 5. You got laid today?: mm noppeee. 6. You like beef jerky?: yepp 7. You like pepsi or coke?: pepsi 8. You plan on going to college?: yes 9. You're happy with your hair?: no lo 10. You own a dog?: no 11. You spend your money wisely?: Hah no 12. You're always making new friends?: Yes 13. You like to swim?: Yeah 14. Have you ever got bored so you call a friend?: Many times 15. You're patient?:NO lol 16. You like this survey?: sure lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LET'S BE HONEST. In the last month have you... 1. Had sex: nope 2. Bought something: Yes 3. Gotten sick: Yes, today. 4. Sang: yep 5. Been kissed: yesss, this morning. 7. Felt stupid: yep 8. Missed someone: yep 9. Got drunk: nope 10. Gotten high: nope 11. Danced crazy: yes 12. Gotten your hair cut: yes 13. Watched cartoons: sure 14. Lied: idts ------------------------------------------------------------ Last Person that... 1. Slept in your bed: MEEE. 2. Saw you cry: umm mrs dean? lol no i wasnt crying i was just dizzy and wanted to go home. 3. Made you cry: my head. 4. Went to the movies with you: Kendra 5. You went to the mall with: mommmyyy. 7. You went to dinner with: Ryan and his family. 8. You talked on the phone: Kendra 9. Said 'I love you' to you: Ryan 10. Broke your heart: hmm, mike. 11. Made you laugh: kendra. 12. Bought you something: ryan -------------------------------------------------------------- Have You Ever... 1. Wished you were the opposite sex: not really. 2. Snuck out of your house: not to go somewhere. 3. Gave money to a homeless person: i think so mmm yeahh i was bored..mmk?
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