i feel...nothing

Have you ever just wanted to run out in the middle of the road and scream and cry at the top of your lungs...WHY!?!? That's exactly how i feel right now. I found out today that a friend of mine from the Citadel [i worked with him, he also was a Sr. there] died last night [early this morning] in a wreck. He was 21...and he fell asleep..and hit a tree at 70 mph. And his g/f feels like its all her fault b/c she didnt answer her phone to talk to him to keep him awake. I hate to know what she's going through. My first thought after i heard what happened to him was "Was she with him?!" Nobody knew the details really just that he was in a wreck and he was dead they didn't mention anyone else. We were all pretty close this summer. I can't even fathom what she's going through right now. I just want to give her a hug or something but i'm so scared to call her. God i can't even stop crying about it. He won't even get his ring on friday...this sucks so bad for him. it makes you wonder why certain things happen to good people. WHY!!?!?! FUCK THIS...this is why i partially have no religion b/c of shit like this...if god was so perfect he wouldn't let shit like this and other stuff happen!! YAY for the christians that will bash me in comments...ya know what! FUCK YOU TOO. When you experience a lot of shit like this..it makes you wonder what on earth you're believing in...and what kind of being would do this...make you suffer...yeah it'll make you stronger..if you don't kill yourself first, after years of counseling, or you've cried your eyes out for months. ::sigh:: what an awesome fall break... Laces
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I'd really like to express my sympathies to you. He died much too young, but remember him well.
I'm so sorry-I've been here, and all I can tell you is that it won't always hurt so bad. I'm here if you need a shoulder or a hug-Liz
I'm sorry that happened, if u want to ever talk about the whole religion thing, i'm half decent at answering some questions feel free to ask