How Weed has effected me

Weed has effected me in many ways in 8th grade when i started smoking weed i was very depressed always looking down never realy happy, but then maryjane came along and i took one puff of that majic dragon and i was happy and i havnt been depressed since. A second reason i am an isomniac when i smoke weed i have better nights of sleep. 3 reason i get pains sometimes in my bodies a toke and those pains feel good. 4 TO GET HIGH yes to get high toke up with some freinds and have a party. Me i use both medicinally and recreationally and my grades arnt bad i feal more consentrated in school when im stoned so rember take a daily toke ad 4 20 and BLAZE IT BITCHES!!
Read 7 comments
haha jeah jeah
because weed is an answer for everythign right? grow up.
youre an idiot, really, you are. you think youre so cool because you smoke pot. its really not that big of a deal, but you have a diary DEDICATED to marijuana which makes you an ass. i bet you that everytime you smoke, you tell all your friends stories that are like "haha yeah i was so high, i think that i did ____ or said ____ to somebody" i hope by the time you get this comment, youve grown up and realized how stupid you sound.
ya i agree with your canibis theory, i myself enjoy a toke every now and then. ya you could say it makes me happier at times and mainly i do it to get rid of stress or just to have fun and chill. anyways good times. scincerely: jon nichols. peace.
its idoits like you that brag about smoking and being high all the time that weed isnt legal yet! it should be a social thing done every once and a while durring parties and stuff. not every fucking day! yeh i love weed. all my friends do. we each chip in and buy 2 ounces each weekend and smoke all weekend. you think your hardcore? your an idiot kid who thinks hes a stoner. you have no idea what a stoner is! so fuck you and your 1 blunt partys!
punk ass kid